an emptiness that won't be empty for long

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On his way to his car, Carl saw that there was a sign on the space next to the Sandwich Select.

He crossed the street to see what it was.

The windows were still covered in paper, but Carl could hear samba music and voices coming from inside. The sign on the door said, "coming soon: coffee" with a hand-drawn picture of a steaming coffee cup.

Carl admired how well-done the coffee cup picture was. He tried to peek between the paper to see inside, but wasn't able to see much except some bits of wall.

He wondered if it was going to be a Brazilian café. He hoped it was going to be good. There had been too many independent coffee shops over the years that he would have loved to frequent regularly but didn't because their coffee wasn't any good.

He was getting sick of the Nespresso pods, but not so sick of them that he would pay for bad coffee.

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