Crash Out.

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"Why are you here?"
" Was just passing by, since you're ignoring me"
"Passing by!? Oh, okay!!" He was crashing the wedding basically, spiralling, spending time at bars and out so he wouldn't be in that huge house, thinking about his family, alone again. Friendship a safety net, but his closest, and Sandi, also saw he was just not the same, since our family split households. To Sandi, Damson, the divorce and me now moving on was inevitable. She said that, given he was, "him", and arrogant about it.

"It's a big day for you all, I know... you look amazing though..."
"Why are you doing this? What is wrong with you!? You're actually crazy..."
"Ha! Nah...but, you know I love when you talk to me crazy" mouth slightly ajar as he searched his mind for the words, heavy hearted and wanting to say so many things that he forgot them now he could. I wanted to compliment his fit, but couldn't, as I noted his tired eyes and nervousness hidden behind his bravado.

"Stop! Aubrey! Oh my God! Why are you here!!?Why are you in Italy!? Who let you in? Is that why everyone left!? Where is my mum! You wasn't supposed to get out yet!"
"You ain't slide no invite... why, you worried!? Do you want them to keep me locked up!? Huh?"
"No, of course not! I'm proud of you... happy you're, free"
"Border control let me in Ly... because, like you said, I'm free... I want to move on from my little bid, that's not a part of my legacy.... You are,... so, can we talk? We promised to love each other and our children, ans we always will but... I never wanted things to be this way Ly" He was making it seem so simple, not looking at me anymore, recognising his fantasies were again, not playing out as he had planned.

" Just listen to me, Ly

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" Just listen to me, Ly... Baby, I know I don't have a lot of time" he was trying his best to not cry, I could see it and was going to do the same, but was never able to conceal what was going on inside from him. It was like the world was convinced by my bubbly personality and bright smile, but he saw I was missing having someone to call, my someone, and he was too.
" No!! No!! Today isn't about you!! You're so selfish!!! Don't, please don't do this to me" I was genuinely shocked, thinking Dam was overreacting when he said he would crash our party at some point, somehow. His ego, and envy wouldn't let him just walk away, he said. I was clasping my dress and walking towards the window, the view an aid to chilling out, which was hard, as he stood with his back to the door.

" I tried to call you!"
" I ignored you, for a reason! Aubrey... why are you here!?"
"You didn't want to talk to me because you know, we are meant to be together... you're the last thing I think about at night, first thing in the morning, every mistake is a reason to say no, but every memory outweighs yours, for me... even this one, Ly.... We don't have to keep going"
"No, it's because I am with him now! Like, you need to leave... please.... I don't want to do this Aubrey! Please!? I knew you would try and confuse me... never thought you would do this! violating my peace again, all the shit you have done!! Then you think you can control me for the rest of my life!?"

"I don't,... I'll always be sorry for the things I put you through, and I don't want that, I love you, and I know I fucked up a lot, but I know you love me too. I'm willing to spend the rest of my life, showing you, I'm serious this time and every time after that! I gotta make it right, please baby... We love our kids, and I know you want that back as much as I do, Ly... please!? You been wondering if you should do this all day... I know you have, admit that " I had, looking at him like he was hurting me, he knew he had, he was, but said he wouldn't ever again. I doubted that, disputing why I let myself do this, questioning everything now. Knowing, I didn't think of anything but the perfect life Aubrey and I had planned at one point.

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