chapter 35

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Kahdeja Pov

    Too likkle bit and nuff

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Too likkle bit and nuff.

The shouting downstairs a mek me panic. Dem mus regret finding me cause look here. I might be pregnant. I facepalm and then I heard a knock.

The door pushes open with Mom, Dad, and an unknown person in scrubs. "Hey Kahdeja, I'm Doctor Simms" She smiled a little waiting for a handshake.

I didn't shake.

"Kahdeja" Dad warns. I sigh and roll my eyes at the doctor.

"I wonder where she got that attitude," Dad said looking at Mommy and she glared at him.

"I'm here to do a test on you to see if you are carrying, you are so young so complications might happen" Simms spoke.

Nothing nah do me, baby.

This doctor and her bad mouth

I begged Mom with my eyes these things look so scary. " I'll be here with you, Killian leave" he looked at her and then walked out.

I got on my bed stripping naked from below my waist. I pee in a cup and gave it to her she was doing all kinds of tests and I just sat worrying.

After some minutes she said to put on back my clothes I did in front of them because they had already seen me naked.

"Are you ready for the news?"

Mom just nodded her head and I looked at my toes too scared to make eye contact.

"Kahdeja is two months pregnant, and her iron is really low" She just walked out and I sat down.

A baby

My baby

Am I ready for this?

The doctor looks at me with sympathy. "If you can't keep much down, aim to eat as healthy as possible. This way, each bit packs a nutritious punch it's going to be okay".

She continued to say" I'll prescribe some medication for you and the baby until next time take good care of yourself". I didn't reply and she left.

Half an hour later I woke up from my nap and saw Daniel on the left side looking at me. "Hey" I hugged him and he rubbed my back.

"It's true Daniel" I sob

He rubbed my back and pulled me back looking into my eyes "I'm going to take care of you don't worry".

"I let everyone down, mom walked out Dan"she ago tell me fi leave r place watch.

"Shh, listen to me I'm here if dem no wah this fi work I'll take care of you" Dan said.

That doctor really did have to do it today because why as soon as I know about the pregnancy I'm nauseous? I got up off the bed and puked in the bathroom sink.


We went downstairs at 1 pm it was dinner time and everyone sat quietly eating. I sat down after Dan opened up a chair.

Then I heard the most shocking news.

"You will marry her, you got her pregnant she is now your wife and responsibility, "Dad says with little emotion.

"Marriage so quick Dad," I said standing up. Mom looked at him stunned.

Kadeem cleared his throat. 

"You were quick to get pregnant by him so why is marriage too fast Kahdeja?" I looked down and then Kadeem looked into my eyes as if he knew I was going to say something real bad.

"Mom was a teenager too and you knew what you were doing," I said back to him and everyone's eyes opened.

"Watch your mouth in my house Kahdeja, you are a child and I'm an adult I will not tolerate disrespect under my roof" he yelled.

"Killian calm down-" Mom tried to tell him to stop but he didn't.

"Deja, Kahdeja no have no manners she very rude and you see that too. I will not have it under this roof," he says looking into my eyes.

Kadeem got up and said, "Guys stop and calm down she made a mistake a baby is a blessing".

"Daniel knew what he was doing every man knows when he impregnates a woman stop all this. She needs a proper education and schooling not this if he really cares for you why would he force this on you? That is not love!" I started crying.

Daniel got up with a frown. "Killian if you are going to bash us and gwan like if someone weh sexually active them can't get pregnant I will take full responsibility. I have my own money we don't need anything from you".

"You are not responsible enough to manage my gang, you can't even protect yourself and my daughter what if you gave her some disease by sleeping with her raw?" he said to Daniel with hate.

I don't feel good like I'm going to pass out. The doctor did say my iron was low and this argument is making it worse.

I am a strong person. I know how to take care of myself in pregnancy. I love my baby. I will make the right decisions for my baby.

Daniel was so angry he got up in front of my Dad with his fist folded.

"Now you try disrespect both a we, me no have no STDs and I didn't do it purposely. Fuck the gang it only bring problems in my life me Neva wah be no fucking don a you and Dad bring it to me" Daniel cursed and Mom got up and went in between them.

"STOP! Now" she yells.

"I'll leave," I said.

I wiped my eyes pushing back my chair. I ran to the door and ran pass the guards. I sobbed as I continued to run.

Anywhere but here. I'm so exhausted.

I like running from my problems like Kahdeja🥺

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I like running from my problems like Kahdeja🥺

Sorry for the delayed update.

I know this is short but what are your thoughts? This helps me write no comment is a bad comment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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