40 ● Truth & Lie

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Oh love.

Suhera had been quiescent ever since she was a kid

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Suhera had been quiescent ever since she was a kid. The only people she had not been quiet around are her siblings. She was unlike both her brothers but she was confined well with both of them. She, upon opening her eyes, stared at the wall. It seemed merely imaginable. Chimerical.

But what seemed more fancy in front of her was the moon from the windows. The shades were off and that's how beautiful her ceiling looked because of the moonlight. She got up and sat straight, rubbing her eyes. She was pretty sure that it was midnight or maybe post dinner time. She got up, tying her hair in a messy bun and went to her washroom and washed her face multiple times.

She looked up back at the mirror. Her face staring back at her. She seemed so dull and her eyes bore heaviness. She noticed how she had gained so much weight. She was skinny but now she isn't. She could also see that she had grown a tummy. You don't just gain weight because you are happy but also because you are stressed. She knew it and she sighed.

"I look uglier everyday."

She closed her eyes and tried to unsee what she had seen in the mirror. Her face. Her sadness on her appearance lasted like an ephemeral; too short. She had bigger problems to deal with and one of them was Ahsan. Was he a problem or her?

She went outside the door of her balcony and watched the city with her eyes. Lahore beckons visitors with its allure, promising an unforgettable journey through time and tradition. But what did Lahore allure Suhera? Out of all the years she spent here, this year her life had twisted like it was mingled in a mesh. She gazed up at the moon.

The moon is like a gentle night light in the sky, shining softly and making everything look magical. Sometimes it's big and round, other times it's just a sliver. It changes shape as the days go by, like a silent performer in the sky. People have been fascinated by its beauty for centuries, writing stories and poems about it. Is this what the moon does? Accompany a lone person in need of a company? Which people had gracefully called it a broken lover's only friend? It's like a friend that watches over us at night, making the world feel a little bit more special. It is everlastingly sempiternal.

Within the rustling silent hues of night, there came a voice behind her from the man who claimed to have fallen in love with her, from the man who told her that he could die if she left him, from the man she was scared to look at his enchanting appearance thinking it would do something to her heart and change her stubborn mind of having to ever be happy with him.

"I am sorry."

He had mastered being the boss of a sweet voice for her. It sounded soulful and euphonious. But what complicates it more is Suhera thinking why would he apologize? She rather thought about the last evening rather than asking him or turning to him. Her eyes still fixed to the witness of love, the moon in front of her in the giant sky.

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