Chapter 5 : camping 2

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“ eat quickly or you'll be late for school” .
“ I'm okay ” she pushed the plate away gently.
“no , please eat more . Just look at you , you're looking skinny” she fed her .
“ please I'm okay” she pleaded .
“ ok ,ok. You tried” she picked up her bag and Cher's bag and they both left .


“ it's amazing how I found you what a miracle” he gave an evil smirk , “ I will love you to see me again ” he watched Cher close the door to her mom's car.
Cher waited to listen to her mom , “ if fear is being triggered more than you can handle don't hesitate to ask a teacher to call and I will be there immediately to pick you , ok ”
“ ok ” she held her bag tightly .
“ I love you , have a good week and don't forget to pray ” she pecked her on the cheek before leaving.
He kept his eyes on her , “ I would have loved to end it all here but that will be cruel” he paused for awhile before speaking again “ I will wait till you are back . Let see how it goes ” .
She joined the other students waiting for the bus that will convey them to their destination.
“ hey ” Jordan walked towards her giving his best smiles.“ heard you got I'll and had to stay home through out last week ".
“ you heard well ” she turned to walk away.
“ you don't have to be rude I only want to be a friend”
“ I'm fine alone ” she didn't turn to face him .
“ if only you give me a chance you would find out that you aren't fine alone ” he walked closer and held her hand .
“ really, I don't wanna find out if am fine or not alone when I know already ” she freed herself from his hold before walking away .
“ it's time to board the bus ” a teacher announced.
“ ahhh, finally” she heard some students groan as she walked outside.
They all lined up and she was the first in line . “ how are you doing today Cher ? ” a teacher asked with a sweet smile .
“ fine miss Marietta” she answered.
“ heard you fell sick but I hope you are better now ” she could hear other students muttering curses . Saying how much of their time was wasting wasted .
“ yes I am now thank you” she bowed a little.
“ that good to know ” Cher smiled a bit.
Looking for a good and comfortable seat , she decided to sit at the back close to the window.
Suddenly she felt as if she was being watched , she First had the feeling when she came down from her mom's car but ignored and now it felt strange and dangerous.
Then she perceived the familiar scent of someone annoying, she didn't turn cause she already knew who it was .
She was grateful when she heard no word from him but  could feel his gaze on her .
Cher closed her eyes trying to distract herself by listening to the sounds the students kept making.
She didn't want to hit panic mode so she tried keeping it calm .
He stared at her expecting her to turn but unfortunately she didn't so he gave up and rested backward but could feel that she was uncomfortable and was trying to be in control.
Cher struggled to keep her sanity intact . When the bus began to move she felt relieved.
More still coming 🌹🌹......

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