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“ really?”
“ yeah ”
“ ok I will prepare to move in next week”  he sounded excited but Merritt groaned inwardly even though she didn't live here, she visited always and seeing him was like a torture.
“ no , tomorrow” she said firmly.
“ ok then I will move in tomorrow” he said seeing that no matter what he said Vienna won't back down.
He left after spending time to get to know Cher's friends .he rode his bike to his favorite place ; a quiet and isolated area .
Dialing Isobel number to check up on her was what he had in mind so he did it expecting her to take the call but unfortunately she didn't and he sat quietly wondering why she had been giving some act lately.
Was she seeing someone else that was the question he asked himself but she couldn't do that to him . like they've been together for a long time now and he trusted her so much.
Then the thought of Merritt floated in , he didn't know what was wrong with her but it seems like she doesn't like him at all. Trying to get his mind off that , he repeatedly dialed Isobel number till she finally picked up.
“ hey babe ” he greeted.
“ hey , sorry that I couldn't make it to the dinner at your aunt's place ” she apologized.
“ it's no biggie okay . I explained to her and she knowing it wasn't your fault understood”
“ ok , I feel relief ” she sighed “ so how did it go ?”
“ good . She asked me to move in ”
“ to stay at her place ?” she asked.
“ yeah live with them so I will be moving in tomorrow”
“ why are you in a hurry to leave your place to live with her ?”
“ nothing. She insisted that I move in tomorrow and you know , I have no objection ” he shrugged with a smile on his face . “ and I will be moving in after school”
“ oh , I will hung up now . Mom already making a fuss about how I stay up late at night ” she said in a hush tone .
“ ok. Goodnight, love you and will always do ”
“ umm, love you too’’ she hung up.


Jordan tightly held Cher's hand as they walked slowly in the school garden .
“ Lisa been acting weird lately ” he spoke up .
“ realized that ”
“ something must be wrong ”
“ yeah , I think so ”
“ could it be that the pressure on her is too much ”.
“ or she hates having another girl in your friendship circle since she doesn't get everyone attention like before ’’
“ you think so ”
“ I believe so ” they were both silent for awhile .
Off course Cher knew so when she got a letter written to her by Lisa asking her to stay away from Jordan and the group but she couldn't.
She had received lot of threat but still wasn't leaving, not that she understimated this Lisa . She knew this girl could do whatever her mind was set to do but she already loved and had gotten used to being here having so much friends and just couldn't let that go easily despite the danger sign.

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