Chapter Two:Running With My Mate (EDITED)

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^Pic of Shane above^

Shane's POV

"You ready?" I softly asked my little mate. She just nodded her head and picked up her single backpack filled with everything she's ever known.

I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, causing sparks to run through my body as my finger lightly brushed her ear. I saw more cuts and bruises under open spots in her makeup, making my wolf, Alex, growl in anger and sadness. I couldn't imagine what she's gone through. The pain. The depression. Everything. And it made me feel worse that I wasn't around to protect her. But from now on, I'll always protect her, no matter what. I had to.

"Here," I said as I offered my hand. She hesitantly looked at my hand debating whether or not to trust me. "Come on, I won't bite," I chuckled. A small grin made its way onto her face before she put her small hand in my own and more sparks erupted all over me. I put my other hand on top of hers and closed my eyes and focused on her and only her. I felt energy surge through my body and into hers. When I opened my eyes, all of her bruises and cuts, hidden and not, were healed.

She gently touched her face where the giant cut had been and smiled. "Mates can heal each other," I explained, answering her unspoken question. She threw herself into my arms and I heard her deeply inhale my scent as she smiled, causing my grip on her to tighten.

"Come on, Ariel," I said as I picked her up bridal style. "We have quite a journey ahead of us." She nodded then rested her head on my chest. I gathered all of the pack members I brought including five Warriors and four Trackers, and we left the Full Moon Pack, but not before I mind-linked Morgan and told him that if he ever harmed anyone and keep them in the conditions that he kept Ariel in, I'd be back and it would be less than a second before his blood would be spilled. And I was serious.

It was dark outside and it was a full moon. The humans think that's when we don't have control over our wolves and some think that's when we turn back into humans and every other day, we're wolves and it's true.....for some.

Some wolves, like new wolves for example, can't control their shift on their first few full moons, but after awhile, they gain control. For that other thing, only being human during a full moon, that only happens to wolves who've been cursed. But for most wolves, it just means you're more sensitive. You get angry easier. You snap easier. You shift easier. But it's manageable.

I looked down at my beautiful mate in my arms. She'd fallen asleep and the full moon shone perfectly across her face, making her look even more beautiful than she already was if that's even possible. We continued walking for a few more hours until I decided that it was time to rest.

"I think we've gone far enough for tonight," I said to my pack members in a hushed tone, making sure not to wake Ariel.

"Yes Alpha," they said in unison before they rolled out a sleeping bag for Ariel. I gently set her sleeping figure down before I unrolled mine and laid down next to her.

Her plump pink lips parted as she breathed and her chest steadily fell up and down. I wanted to kiss her so much. Feel them on my own. Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open. At first, she started to panic, not recognizing our surroundings, but when her beautiful green orbs landed on me, she instantly calmed down and the edges of her mouth tugged up into an almost none visible smile.

She scooted closer until we were so close that our breaths mixed. She turned so that her back was to my chest and I carefully put my arm around her. When she showed no resistance to my touch, I pulled her into me a bit more, but not too close in case it made her feel uncomfortable. It broke my heart that she'd lived most of her life in an attic and being abused and I knew that it'd take a while for her to get fully used to me and trust me, but I was willing to wait for her. I would wait until the end of time for Ariel.

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