Chapter Twelve:Surprise? (EDITED)

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Shane's POV

I watched Ariel as she slept.

Now, to any other being who doesn't understand the Mate bond or how beautiful she is, that might sound weird, but she's my mate and I am hers so I kinda have the right to do this.

Shane, we need to talk, Aiden's voice rang through my mind.

Can't this wait? I whined through the link. I really want to spend the day with Ariel.

Oh trust me, you'll be spending the whole day with Ariel. You need to come down here. It's important.

Okay, I sighed in defeat. I'll be there in a sec.

I carefully slid out of bed, making sure not to wake Ariel up, before sliding on my basketball shorts and walking out without bothering to put on a shirt. I just wanted to get this over with so I could get back to my mate. Have a nice little date, feel the electricity that erupts all over me every time her finger tips touch me..... Hopefully he didn't call me to talk about it though, because if he did, I can kiss those plans goodbye.

I went to my office where Aiden was waiting then sat down at my desk. "You got me here, make it quick. I gotta mate I gotta get back to."

Aiden gave me a humorless laugh. "Yeah and I don't."

"True," I said with a shrug. "Continue."

"Okay," he started. "The pack's starting to get a bit inpatient because over half of them still haven't met their Luna yet. Especially because they've found out that she's mute." He said whispering the last part.

"So you're saying...?"

"She needs to have her ceremony." He bluntly stated.

"No," I immediately said as I shook my head. "She still needs more time! Can't you delay it or something-"

"I can't!" He said. "I've already pushed it back twice. Two times more than I'm allowed to. I'm sorry but you have to-"

"I know, I know," I said as I leaned back in my chair and started massaging my temples. "How long do I have?"


"What the heck Aiden?!" I growled.

"Sorry! I would've told you earlier but I've been....distracted."

By the look on his face, I could tell distracted meant Jessica and I softened knowing the feeling.

"Okay," I said as I ran my hand through my hair. "What time tonight?"

"Ten," he said. "That's when the full moon is at its peak and that's-"

"When the Luna and Moon Goddess will be closest." I finished nodding my head.

"Alright," I said as I got up and walked to the door. "Make sure that everything's ready at ten on the dot, okay?"

"I've already sent out the message."

"Good," I smiled. "Now here comes the hard part."


Ariel's POV

I woke up, expecting to see Shane's cute face asleep and his soft skin against mine, but instead, all I felt was me, myself, and I. Puzzled, I sat up and looked in the direction of the bathroom, but the door was wide open and no one was there.

I stretched out a bit before throwing the covers off, and along with throwing the covers off, I introduced myself to the cold air that was in the room. It also wasn't helping that I was wearing only Shane's shirt and a pair of underwear.

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