I never expected this!

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For the nth time, you guys, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm not scheduled to post anything today, but who cares; you all made me want to. I'm overwhelmed by the support you've given me.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone for reading, voting, commenting, and your kind words

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I wanted to say thank you to everyone for reading, voting, commenting, and your kind words. I even want to thank the readers who left mean comments. Even y'all helped me get here where I am today and for that I want to say thank you.

I wanted to thank everyone who's checked out my Facebook and Goodreads, and if you haven't already checked it out, please do so at:

GR: http://bit.ly/TheBrokenVowOfSilence

FB: http://bit.ly/JordanTaylorFB

Whether you've just discovered me or you've stuck with me for a long while (you tough cookies), I'm thankful for and humbled by your support. I have free bonus material for all of you; look out for that in the next few weeks!

You guys are the best. I want to form a special group for us! Any team/fandom name suggestions? Anything you'd like to be called as a group? Shoot me your ideas. Comment below!

See you in the next update!
Love y'all- Jordan

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