Get this book for free (limited time only!)

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Before we get to the free stuff, it's time to announce the cover contest winner. Congratulations to Malot Aznar! Your submission will be the official cover of The Broken Vow of Silence. Check it out; it's just perfect for the book:

I'll link it in an inline comment here ->

Some entries were from my publisher's graphic artists, but your submissions were just as good, if not better! I'm so impressed, you guys. Thank you so much for joining.

Because you've been really helping me out in this launching process, you deserve a gift from me. As I've mentioned before, we're giving away bonus books!

Here's a teaser:

"Dad! Mom! Chris!" I screamed, but there was no response.

Ariel was living the life. She had amazing parents and a brother, who despite being annoying to her, loved her very much.

All that was left was to wait for the right age to meet her mate, and life would be perfect.

But all that went ablaze when a fire consumed her very home, taking away all that was dear to her.

Would Ariel still recover from the pain of losing the ones she loved?

What kind of life awaited her now that she had no one? 

Sounds cool, right?

You can get it on Amazon for free from March 21, 2019 until March 24, 2019. After this week, it will still be available in the said platform for a good price. Go get your copy, though, while it's still free!

I'll link it in an inline comment here->

I know some of you might read this at a later date and would still like this freebie. Don't worry; I got you! You can still get it after March 24, 2019 if you sign up on my website:

I'll link it in an inline comment here ->

We have other goodies in there as well, so come join us in the dark side; we have more than just cookies. ;-)

Also, make sure that y'all leave reviews on Good Reads using the link in the previous chapter and once you do that, fill out the google doc also linked in the previous chapter so we can use your review in the book! It means a lot to me, thanks!

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Also, make sure that y'all leave reviews on Good Reads using the link in the previous chapter and once you do that, fill out the google doc also linked in the previous chapter so we can use your review in the book! It means a lot to me, thanks!

I'll see you in the next post, Dreamers!

Love y'all- Jordan

My Broken, Mute Mate (SAMPLE) (PUBLISHED!!)Where stories live. Discover now