Chapter Twenty-Five: The Test Week III (EDITED)

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Shane's POV

A few weeks later

"What do you mean you still haven't found my sister?!" Chris yelled as his eyes turned pitch black, rage rolling off him in waves.

"I don't know what happened to her," I said panic rising up in my chest due to the fact that I didn't know where she was or who she was with or what she was doing. I've been looking for her for three weeks and it's like she never existed. My heart felt empty. I missed her soft kisses and her beautiful smile and her velvet voice. I missed Ariel.

"If you'd put guards with her when you're not around, this wouldn't've happened and my sister would still be here safe." He growled, getting in my face.

"Quit acting like this is all my fault!" I snapped back. "You could've been here too, but you weren't! So you can take that blame and direct it back at yourself." I felt my wolf push toward the boundary in anger, not really at Chris, but at whoever took my mate, my wolf and I wanting nothing more than to find whoever took Ariel and torture them before I slowly killed them.

Chris looked at me. "You better find my sister, or I swear to the Moon Goddess herself, I will kill you."

"Is that a threat?" I growled, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh it's not a threat," he said. "It's a promise." Then he walked out.

"Ugh!" I growled as I slammed my fist against my desk-which I'd just gotten replaced- and it thankfully didn't break.

I ran my hands through my hair and closed my eyes. "Moon Goddess," I whispered. "I don't know if you can hear me or if you even care, but if you can, please bring back my mate. She's my everything. The air in my lungs, the blood in my veins, everything." I paused and took a shaky deep breath. I couldn't cry. Not yet. "Please bring her back to me. I just love her so much and it hurts not having her here with me. I need..." I choked up on tears and I let them fall. "I need her."

That's when a let all of it out, the pain, the sadness, the rage, all the emotions I'd bottled up inside. I let them all out. "Ariel," I cried. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there. If I get you back, I promise that I'll never let you go. Just please come back to me." By now my voice was hoarse, so it was just above a whisper. "Please."


Ariel's POV


An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.

Fear. That was all the was coursing through my veins. Morgan had been coming in here every day now. Every day I'd wake up to a beating and every night I'd go to sleep to one. It was a miracle that I was still alive.

I hadn't been fed either and since I didn't have the wolf part of me, it was really taking a toll on me. My skin was clinging to my ribs, my hair had grown weak, and I couldn't find the energy to fight back with Morgan anymore. All of a sudden I heard a series of whimpers and I knew that he was coming. I hurried into the shadows and pressed my body as close to the wall as I could, praying that I'd disappear, but if course I didn't. Morgan stopped in front of my cell and unlocked the door with something in his hand. My eyes widened. Was it another torture device? Was it a gun?

A million different thoughts rushed through my head as he slowly walked toward me with whatever he had in his hand raised high as if he were about to hit me. Right when he was close enough to hit me, he gently placed whatever he was carrying in front of me. I tried to see what it was, but since it was so dark, I couldn't see anything. "Eat up," he gently said. "You need some meat on your bones."

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