Chapter Twenty:Looking With Fresh Eyes (EDITED)

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Zac's POV

I woke up to a dimly lit room. There were needles and tubes sticking out of me in all directions and I felt lightheaded and a bit sick. Greg was the first one to see me. His eyes lit up as he ran to me and wrapped me in a hug, the tears stains were still clear on his red face. Next Jess and Aiden came and hugged me. Normally I would've hugged them with all my being, but instead, I just sat there too weak to move or to show any emotion.

I felt older and less energetic and I didn't understand why.

Is this what it feels like to come back from the dead? "W-Where's Shane and Ariel?" I said in a raspy voice, calling them by their actual names instead of their nicknames.

Greg gave me a strange look before saying "They're on their way."

I nodded and took a shaky breath, the hospital air rushing into my aching lungs. I had just been on my death bed, but an angel from above picked me up from the darkness and brought me back.

I looked at the world through new eyes.

Everything seemed sharper.

The colors.

The smells.


The door burst open and Ariel ran in and as soon as her eyes landed on me, she wrapped me in a hug. "Oh Zac," she cried into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her neck and let her cry on my shoulder. "I thought I lost you," she whispered as tears continued to fall down her face.

"You could never lose me," I whispered with a weak smile. "Not even if you tried."

She got up and gave me a small smile. "Now why would anyone want to get rid of you?"

Shane walked through the door and right when he saw me, he ran over and hugged me too. "Hey Lil' Buddy," he smiled.

"Hey, Shane," I smiled at him.

Shane furrowed his eyebrows as a small frown played on his lips. "What happened to Shubby?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just grew out of it, I guess. I hope that's okay."

"Sure, bud," he said with a nod, but no matter how well he tried to cover it up, I could tell that he didn't like it. Not one bit.

A weird feeling tugged at my heart and one thought clouded my mind: something big was going to happen. Something that would change our lives forever.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chappy but I wanted to represent how Zac has changed and stuff so yeah.

If you have any suggestions for the next chapter then please tell me in the comments because I really want you guys to be apart of this experience! 😊

Plus, we are SO CLOSE to my goal of 20k reads. Seriously you guys are amazing! Alright, I'll let you get on with your lives.

Love y'all-Jordan🦄

EDITED JULY 15, 2016

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