Chapter Eight:Chocolate Cake (EDITED)

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Shane's POV

I couldn't sleep.

My brain just couldn't process the fact that I laid a hand on Ariel in violence all because of my anger issues and whatever that dark feeling was.

I looked at my mate in my arms. The light from the crescent moon shone across her face, giving it an angelic glow. I smiled at how peaceful she looked when she was sleeping and how her lips parted as she breathed. How her chest steadily rose and fell. She was just breath-taking.  I pulled her closer to me and she automatically cuddled into me. I rested my head on her shoulder right next to her mark. I sighed and closed my eyes. "What am I doing?" I mumbled to myself. I looked at the clock which read 1:21.

Ariel shifted in my arms, turning so that we were face to face, then her beautiful eyes fluttered open.

Can't sleep? Her angelic voice rang through the mind-link. I nodded. Me either. I mean four hours with my eyes closed would've convinced my mind somehow, huh? She said with a slight chuckle.

I smiled at her. "You're the lucky one. I haven't been able to even close my eyes."

Well, we can not fall asleep together. She said as a smile stretched across her beautiful face.

"I'd like that," I smiled. She turned around and I pulled her even closer to me.

Shane, why me? She suddenly asked, causing my attention to turn from the moon in the sky to her.

"Why you what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

Why'd you choose me? Why didn't you do what the other girls said? Reject me for someone bigger, stronger than me. But you kept me. Why?

"Because I love you, Ariel," I said. "And I will never, ever love anyone the way that I love you. Simple as that and there isn't a single person alive that I'd rather be with for the rest of my life."

She smiled as her eyes closed.

I...I love you too. She whispered. Just, please. Don't you, or your wolf forget that, okay?

A pang of guilt exploded within me and especially from my wolf.

"I won't, we promise," I whispered.

She nodded before slipping into a peaceful sleep, with me following after.
Unknown's POV

I must admit, I did a pretty good job with these two and they're pulling through these trials better than I expected. That just means that I have to make this next one hit where it hurts. Mess with their heads. Their hearts.

I have to make sure that these two are the right choice before I give myself up to them.

I watched as my glow became dimmer.

I have to hurry.

I'm getting too weak. It has within these next few months, or I'll die along with all of my pups.

I'm sorry if this hurts, my sweet children, but I have to. It's to make you stronger. Not to break you.


Ariel's POV 1 week later

It's been about a week since the whole thing and things have gotten better.

Every day would be the same: wake up, watch TV, do stuff on my phone, cook (which I'd developed a strong love for), do Luna duties, spend some time with Shane, then watch TV for a couple of hours before going to sleep. Shane and I were taking things at a much slower pace and I was 100% fine with that. We needed to slow things down.

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