Chapter Twenty-Four: The Test Day II Later (EDITED)

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Ariel's POV

When I woke up-no, that's not the right word. When I came to, I was still in the cell, as of nothing had ever happened. Was that it? Has it all just been one huge nightmare?

I slowly reached for my neck and gently touched where I thought the slash was. As soon as my fingers came into contact with it, pain erupted throughout my body. I opened my mouth, silently screaming, but that only made it worse. I tried taking deep breaths, but that only made it worse too.

How could he do this to me? I knew that he hated me, and trust me, the feeling's mutual,but did he really have to go and do all this?

But the #1 question that I had was how was I still alive?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open. "Good morning," Morgan said in a mocking sweet voice. "Rise and shine."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I retreated deeper into the shadows.

"No need to hide, Sweetie." He said. "Since I've taken away the only thing that could get you killed, you're safe....for now."

I stayed silent. (Like I had a choice.)

"So," he continued. "How does it feel to be brought down? Built up to your highest peak just to be ripped down and helplessly watch as your mate and pack get ripped to shreds."

I turned away so he couldn't see the tears forming in my eyes at the thought of my mate, my family being killed for what? Power? Power isn't a material thing, it's a feeling and worthless compared to family and love.

"Here," he said, shoving a metal tray with "food" on it toward me. "Eat up."

With whatever courage I had left, I grabbed the tray and threw it back to him. He growled as he stood up. "You shouldn't have done that." Before I knew it, his foot came into contact with my ribs, causing a sickening crack noise. But he didn't stop there. He started punching me over and over and over. Just like old times.

He threw me across the cell, causing my body to slam against the cold rock wall. Again, how am I even alive?

He stalked over to my broken body and knelt down. "The next time, I won't be so nice." He stated before he smirked at me. "Glad to see that things are getting back how they should be." He punched me in the nose, just for good measure, before he walked out.

I sat in the corner, blindly staring out to nothing. Now I felt how these prisoners felt. Empty and powerless. Alone and abused. Afraid and worthless. I cried as I felt the blood trickle down my beaten face. I tried touching my mark, but it didn't spark like it used to.

I was all alone and I doubt Shane would come. Why would anyone want such a weak mate who couldn't even fend for herself? I curled in a ball and continued to cry like I used to when I was in the attic. At least I'd had a bed.... I slowly felt myself drift back to sleep, my stomach empty and my heart aching.

Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter but I'ma update again today. If you liked this chapter then comment and vote. I love reading your comments so much. Also we are so close to my new goal that I didn't tell you about. We're so close to 100k reads and I'm so excited!

Anyways, if you have any book suggestions on Wattpad or not, could you please send them? I need something to read😫 Please and thank you! 😊

Next chapter will be up in a few minutes.

Love y'all-Jordan🦄

EDITED JULY  16, 2016

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