Chapter Twenty-Eight:Nightmares (EDITED)

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Shane's POV

I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing. My eyes immediately snapped open and the first thing I noticed was how Ariel was laying on top of me, her eyes tightly screwed shut and small whimpers coming out her lips. "Stop," she whispered as her nails dug into my bare chest.

"Ariel," I said as I gently shook her in attempts to wake her up, but failing.

"Don't!" she said a bit louder as a few tears fell from her eyes. "Please stop!" she said, her soft voice now yelling and tears streaming down her face.

"Ariel," I said more forcefully as I shook her a with a bit more force, but it was like she was in another universe and she couldn't hear me.

"Roxie stop!" she said as she shot up, her eyes red from crying and her breathing still heavy. She looked down at her shaking hands with a terrified look on her face. "No, no, no..." she repeated as she shook her head, her voice shaking like a bridge that was ready to break into a million pieces at any second. I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist and gently rocked her as she cried and repeated "I'm a monster," causing my heart to break at how scared she looked. The image of her face when I found her flashed through my head, the look of pure fear and worry written all over her face, but that look didn't hold a candle to how she looked now.

"You are not a monster," I gently cooed as I continued rocking her back and forth.

"Yes I am!" she snapped as she turned and looked at me through teary eyes. "You didn't see what happened in there," she said reaching up to her neck where there was a faint scar that I somehow missed. "You don't know what I went through. You don't know what I did." She said shaking her head.

"Then tell me. Let me help you. You can't keep all this bottled up inside." I gently said. She looked down and bit her lip, pondering if she was going to tell me.

"Promise you won't freak out?" she questioned and I nodded as I pulled her on to my lap.

"I'm here to listen to you and if you need to stop, you can." She nodded before she took a deep breath and started.

"A-After Morgan took me, he blocked my wolf and started abusing me again, but unlike last time, he started using torture devices instead of just his hands and feet. He also started using whips and letting other people take their anger out on me. One day, after I said something that he really didn't like, he...he..." Tears started gathering in her eyes as she choked on her words.

"It's okay, Ariel." I said as I gently placed a hand on the low of her back. " We can talk about this later-"

"He cut my vocal cords," She said as she touched the thin scar on her neck, causing me to immediately freeze.

"He what?" I growled, anger surging through my veins.

"He cut my vocal cords," she repeated. "And it almost killed me. When I got up my throat hurt like I don't know what, but I was grateful to be alive. Later that day Morgan gave me a try with food on it and when I ate it, it temporarily paralyzed me." she said as more tears gathered in her eyes. "Th-Then he tried to m-mark me-"

A loud growl slipped through my lips as anger rose in my chest.

"Shane, c-calm down," Ariel said as she placed a hand on my chest. Despite the anger that was coursing through my blood, I did what she told me to. I didn't want her to feel worse.

"It didn't work, but since he 'silenced' me and I was paralyzed I couldn't tell him and I almost bled out." She said lightly touching a scar the was on her neck right next to her mark, causing another growl to escape my lips and my eyes to turn an inky black. "When I came to, I was in a hospital. Morgan started acting nice to me, but I found out that he was just buttering me up to try to get me to spill secrets about you and the pack. I didn't say anything of course and the abuse started again, but it became more rigorous.

"A few days later, I was in my cell, the Heat slowly approaching, when Morgan walked by and smelled me," I balled my hands into fists, my claws digging into my palms drawing blood. Words couldn't describe the anger that I was feeling. "H-He..." she said as she took in a shaky breath. "He tr-tried t-to-"

"Don't say it. Please," I begged through gritted teeth. Ariel nodded as she slipped her little hand into my own and held on to me tight.

"Before he could do it, I felt something happen. Something I never thought would happen again. Roxie pushed forward and took control of my body. She killed a ton of guards with no remorse before she tortured Morgan the way he'd tortured me, but she was about to kill him in the most brutal way possible. I-I tried to stop her, but she was just too strong. She crushed the life out of him." She said, her voice wobbly and filled with disbelief before she looked at her hands. "I crushed the life out of him." Tears had returned to her face and I quickly pulled her into a hug and wiped the tears from her angelic face.

"Ariel, look at me," I gently said, but her eyes were glued to her violently shaking hands. "Ariel," I repeated as I gently used my index finger to turn her head to me. She looked at me with those beautiful green eyes filled with tears that had sadness, remorse, and fear swimming in them. "You did what you had to do," I gently reminded her as I took her small hands in my big ones, shielding them from her view. "You did nothing wrong."

"But I killed-"

"You did what you had to do," I said as I placed soft kisses on the backs of her hands. She nodded before I pulled her into a hug, her head in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you, Shane," she whispered into my neck.

"For what, Little One?" I asked.

"For coming for me. For helping me. For listening to me. For loving me." I could hear the smile in her voice, causing a smile of my own to spread across my lips. I gently placed a kiss on her cheeks and held her tighter.

"That's what I'm here for." I said before we broke the hug, a yawn escaping from Ariel's lips as we did so. "You ready to go back to sleep?" I asked and she simply nodded in response. I laid down and she resumed her position on my chest. I slowly pulled the covers over our bodies before I looked at Ariel. Her eyes were already shut and her cheek was pressed against my chest. Her hands were placed just below my chest and she was positioned with her legs on either side of my waist, basically straddling me. Her chest steadily rose and fell against my own and I could feel her heartbeat booming against mine. She had a calm look etched on her face and her lips parted a bit as she took silent breaths. She was perfect. Beautiful. She was my mate and I loved her with all my being and I would never stop.


Hey guys! This is a new chapter that wasn't in the book before and I wanted to add this moment in because I thought it'd make the story better and I wanted Ariel and Shane to share this sentimental moment. I hoped you liked this chapter and if you did, please don't forget to comment, vote, and fan! See you guys in the next chapter and as always...

Love y'all- Jordan

EDITED JULY 17, 2016

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