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Jaune: this is UNSC Infinity broadcasting on an emergency frequency, any stranded UNSC personnel sound off.

???:......this.....UN.....Amber Clad.....

Laskey: clean up the signal.

Jaune: that voice sounds...

Keyes: this is Captain Miranda Keyes of the UNSC In Amber Clad is that you chief!?

Jaune: yes its me? Is anyone else there with you?

Keyes: its just me and Johnson.

Jaune: Johnson!!!?

Johnson: hey there chief i see you made it out, did we win? And why the fuck are you a teenager!?

Jaune: lets discuss this when we have everyone accounted for. Status of Amber Clad?

Keyes: its badly damage but still operational.

Jaune: shit, Laskey we need to secure that ship and prevent anyone from stealing parts and data.

Laskey: understood, i need a detachment to make a perimeter around the ship and get both keyes and johnson for this meeting.

Cortana: Jaune, we're receiving more transmissions.

???:.....man 052.......Sp.....34.....and....141....

Roland: cleaning the signal...

Jorge: Spartans, 052, 034 and 141 broadcasting on an open channel...infinity please respond.

Jaune: Jorge!!!? Sam!? Cal!!!!

Jorge: John!!!? Good to hear from you man we get a pick up were.kinda stranded here.

Cortana: i got their coordinates.

Laskey: what are you gawking at me for you heard the man, send a pelican.

Roland: one last transmission callsign ODST and a Marine?

Buck: anyone up there can we hitch a ride, im with a Sgt. Forge from the Spirit of Fire.

Jaune: roger that, sending them now.

After a lot of hours and moving around

Amber Clad Site

A multitude if Marine Patrols and Armor keeping it safe from any would be thieves

Then a Black creature approached

Infinity Bridge

Jaune: alright everybody here?

He looks around to see both Marines, Spartans, ODST's,Shipmaster and the Arbiter waiting

The Librarian reappeared

Librarian: welcome all of you, you are all wondering why have i brought you all here.

Johnson: what in sam hell is going on?

Librarian: i am a forerunner known as the Librarian, i have watched over and guided multiple races in secret to help prepare you for the world.

Unlike us you have conquered the Flood, which we made the mistake for wiping out a large portion of the galaxy.

She showed the events on the Ark and New Mumbasa

Sam: i thought the covenant were ugly.

Frederick elbowed Sam hard

His comment got a few grumbles from both the grunts and elites

In Penance i did my best to watch over and protect the new generations of reclaimers. I sowed a seed and hoped that a new champion would be born.

Cortana: the same story you told us when we faced the didact.

Keyes: didact?

The librarian showed the events during requiem and the battle between the chief and the didact

Forge: damn glad to see im not the only idiot to detonate a nuke on my face.

Sanders stomped on his foot to shut him up

Arbiter: truly you are a noble champion my friend.

Cutter: never thought i'd see the day that we're standing side by side with the Covenant.

Shipmaster: Swords of Sanghelios, human please get it right.

Cal: im still sore from a Brute smacking me in the head.

Jorge just gives her a neck massage since his tall enough

Librarian: and now to reveal the half part of your friends life John, now back to Jaune.

She shows everyone the life of Jaune in Remnant

How he dreamed of helping people, how his family heavily protested it, how he ran away and faked his way in a prestigous academy so he can have a fair chance, then came him standing up for a poor girl but gets badly beaten and blackmailed then he even saved the tormenter to uphold his moral code

Then she showed the hardest part the reward for his mercy and the world turning on him, and finally his resolve to prove himself or die and finally the meeting with the Librarian

Enough to say some were in tears for how truly broken was the chief even before the hell of the Spartan II Program

Blue team hugged the chief while others just stood at attention to pay respect

Linda: they're not your friends you hear me.

Frederick: were your family, you know that.

Sam: sorry chief...

Kelly becons the rest of the Spartans into the hug

Jorge,Cal,Jerome,Alice and Douglas join the group hug

Shipmaster: and they call us heartless, killing is a Mercy, but...what they did to him is.....

Arbiter: Dishonorable.....

Miranda was crying Johnson giving her his shoulder

Buck: damn now that was cold of them.

Forge: you said it.

Cortana: Jaune...

Jaune then proceeds to inform them of his home

The people and their life long enemy the Grimm, the Faunus and how they are treated like second class citizens, the SDC and their exploitation, the Huntsmen and Huntresses and finally the White Fang

Cutter: well this reminds me of the insurrection wars, damn terrorists.

Arbiter: the people of this world are so disgraceful.

Keyes: SDC, disgusting.

Johnson: at least we got some work to do.

The Librarian explained why their here and what they have to do

Jaune: well enough if my sob story, im over it.

We need to get to work.

Chapter End

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