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The UNSC was still recovering from their battle with the Banished

All UNSC Personnel were trying to find some rest Jaune's orders

The new Zeta Halo was being overseen by the Infinity

Anders was being briefed by the crew of the Spirit of Fire



Ozpin's Office

Ozpin: do you take breaks Mister 117?

Jaune: I believe you should refer to me as Arc again since mom already dumped my dipweed of a father.

Ozpin: took you a while to accept that.

Jaune: it takes time to get over things. Sir.

(That's character Development should be not instantly like noodles)

Jaune: I already reconciled with them, they were really unaware of that bastards decisions.

Besides I learned in war never to take things personally.

Ozpin: well that broadcast of the war was truly enlightening on what you have fought against.

Jaune: what broadcast?

Then a familiar ghost reappeared to them

Librarian: it was I that revealed the course of the battle, for people to see that they have to band together to achieve great things.

Jaune: isn't that interfering with the natural order?

Librarian: no, your people have been sabotaged and delayed long enough for you to finally reach your peak of evolution.

As I said before I will say it again, you and your fellow Spartans are the culmination of millennia of preparation.

Now is the time to correct the mistakes of the past.

Jaune: you mean the Forerunner A.I s?

Librarian: indeed, they must be dealt with before they even become a threat.

Headmaster Ozpin, you must summon the 'Maidens' and gather the Relics to have them bring out the 'Brothers' and finally I will deal with them.

Ozpin: if that's Remnants best interest.

Jaune: alright I'll join you at the location you have foretold let this sad take end once and for all.

After Ozpin called and Organized the Maidens

Now they make their way to the beginning

The Librarian was already there as Jaune arrived shortly there after

Jaune: so this is the so called dominion of light? I'm not impressed.

Librarian: Inheritor, it seems your service to the cosmos is bearing it's end.

Jaune: well that's part of the hero gig,

Part of the Journey is the end.

And I'm oddly fine with that....

Then a group of people entered the domain

Ozpin: I never thought I would get to see this place at all.

Raven was in cuffs as she was escorted by her old team

Raven made eye contact with her former enemy as he held his helmet in his arm

Her eyes widen that a young boy defeated her

Raven: your the Spartan!?

Jaune: well good to see you too.....

Jaune SpartanWhere stories live. Discover now