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Jaune was discussing the new Forerunner Facility within Mountain Glenn

Jaune: did you find anything else in that structure.

Excalibur: no, reclaimer all of us has searched any and all archives.

Nothing has been found and when we did access it all the information has been transfered and all relevant data purged. I am sorry I can't provide anymore details.

Jaune: transfered?

Clarent: yes,I have found that a reclaimer discovered the facility and accessed it's contents.

He took all data and made sure no one else has access to it.

Cortana: he?

Excalibur: yes, we found some recovered footage of the person who accessed it.

Jaune: alright, who's responsible?

Clarent: accessing.......... A Dr. Merlot.

Jaune: damn of all the people.

Marine: sir! We detected movement from the sensors team Noble set up.

Roland: uh guys we got a lot of movement from Mt. Glenn.

Jaune: get me Captain Cutter.

Cortana: on it Chief.

Cutter: Chief I've been briefed on the situation.

Jaune: I need recon there now. We need to know what's going on right now.

Cutter: Roger I'm dispatching, Red Team and Noble Team.

Jaune: Johnson I need you and the Marines on the walls right now.

Johnson: Roger that and I'm bringing some heavy artillery.

Jaune: Patch me to Infinity.

Roland: all your Chief.

Lasky: Lasky speaking, go ahead Chief.

Jaune: I need additional troops to Vale's outer walls and the Vytal Island.

Lasky: on it Chief sending you the Hades Corps. And a large Contingent of ODSTs.

Jaune: I'll take a side order of air support.

Lasky: would like some fries with that? Just kidding we got a squadron of pelicans for your transports.

Foehammer: Echo 419, standing by.

Fernando: Echo 216, standing by.

Jaune: hey Fernando.

Fernando: hey Chief long time no see.

Jaune: keep an eye out for Nevermores they are dangerous.

Foehammer: Roger that.


A warthog flew in the air

Six: why did we let Kat drive again!!!?

Carter: she's the only one with a license.

Cat: guys we're nearing the area, where's Red Team?

As she asked that another warthog drives next to them

Jerome: watch where your going Sunday driver!

Another warthog joins in

Emile: Kat watch it!

Jun: remind me again why are the only ones with tempers has licenses?


Jun: really?

Jorge: nah I'm just joking.

Carter: alright Spartans let's see what's going on here.

The two teams finds a good vantage point to establish overwatch

What they saw surprised them

A large horde of Grimm but not your normal everyday Grimm

They were Grimm with grafted forerunner weaponry

Beowulves with mounted hard light shields to protect them for their charge attacks and added metallic alloy armor

Ursa with shoulder mounted Heat Waves for range options and added armor for more protection

Goliaths with giant gauntlets with machine guns and armor

Nanook with Mounted Cinder Shots for artillery

And Deathstalkers with heavy metal armor and a Sentinel Beam where their tail is

Merlot has unlocked and weaponized Grimm with Forerunner Tech

This has spelled a grave danger to Vale as they march towards the Kingdom

Carter: Spirit of Fire Actual we have a Large incoming Horde of Grimm, what's worse is they are armed with Forerunner technology.

Cutter: Noble 01, are you sure it's forerunner?

Carter connected his helmet HUD to the uplink

Jaune: this is a priority to all active UNSC we have an Alpha priority threat. I need a Ship to intercept this Horde now.

Miranda: this is In Amber Clad me and the other Frigates are mobile. Ready for intercept.

Jaune: understood. Local units be aware the enemy is in possession of highly advanced technology. Do not underestimate them.

Roland: Chief! We got gigantic seismic tremors detected in Mt. Glenn.

Jaune: Noble do you have a visual?

Jun: I got eyes on. Holy......

A Giant Hybrid Monstra appears similar to a giant whale

Jaune: we are now on Omega level priority. All Frigates move to intercept.

Roland: uh sir more bad news.

Jaune: what is it?

Roland: detecting more seismic activity, this time it's underground.

Cortana: location... Its the Breach.

Jaune: broadcast an Emergency alert to Ozpin have him relay it to the Council.

Lasky: this is Infinity should we assist?

Jaune: no, we can't let the enemy know of our full fighting strength. Send Long Swords, Broad Swords and Condors for an immediate assist.

All Local Units weapons free.

Noble Team Red Team fall back to the wall.

The teams then make a break for it

Six: step on it Kat!

Kat: it's floored already.

Jerome: Alice give us some cover!

Alice: on it.

She and the rest of the gunners open fire as they withdraw

Jerome: Jerome to Spirit of Fire Actual. We need some cover.

Cutter: understood, Archer Missiles away.

Then a hail of rockets fell on the pursuers in a line of fire

Carter: that'll give us some breathing room.

Vale Guardsmen: Open the Gate!!!

The gates open to allow the teams entrance

After they got in the gates slammed shut

At the Wall

Johnson: alright you Greenhorns you wanted a closer look at the Grimm here's your lucky day!!

Faunus Marines: oorah!

Cortana: Chief we got a whole lot more coming out way.

Jaune: from where?

Cortana: everywhere.

Numerous hordes of Grimm from nearby forests

And an Armada of Nevermores comes from the horizon

Salem has made her move and she takes advantage of this unique opportunity

Jaune SpartanWhere stories live. Discover now