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Glynda's Office:

Glynda: I'm proud to announce you four are off probation.

Good Job miss Rose in handling your team.

Ruby: thanks Headmaster.


Jaune steps in as the Spartans was enrolled as students in Beacon due to the fact that he wanted them to experience what was life like as normal human beings

Jaune: team RWBY congrats on your good behaviour I'll meet you later in Combat Class.

Weiss: thank you professor Arc.

Blake: we promise not to make the same mistake twice sir.

Yang: yeah we really need that kick in the ass.

Ruby: yang language.

Jaune: sometimes I forget who's the big sister is.

They all just laughed

Jaune: alright I'll see you later.

The Kingdoms remained peaceful with the UNSC joining this planet as a new Colony

Some reforms was passed to make the UNSC a lot less oppressive to the outer colonies

As these reforms were monumental in removing rebellions and terrorism all across the stars

Remnant was improved ever since the alliance with the UNSC

Jaune resumed his teaching status as a tough as nails but sensible instructor for the new generations

Even though he was constantly being annoyed by Halsey's attempt to reach out he kindly ignores it

ONI was officially disbanded due to their unethical methods although no one can deny their achievements

Sector 7 was founded with the same objectives as ONI but without the unethical methodology

Jaune retired from the UNSC as well as the majority of the Spartan II's

The remains of the Spartan III's and IV's continued their service

With Sgt. Buck and his ODST team enrolling with the Spartan IV Program

Jaune happily shook hands with Director Musa of the Spartan IVs as he accepted the more morally right methods he took

Musa was honored to receive approval from the master chief himself

The UNSC held a massive celebration to finally bid farewell to the Master Chief

(This music playing in the background)

Miranda was beside Johnson

Miranda: it's gonna somewhat uneventful here without you Jaune.

Jaune: better that than be in a constant fire fight.

Johnson: got that right. Sometimes I fell like I'm too old for this shit.

Jaune: you and me both old friend.

The 3 just laughs as they were approached by

Lord Terrance Hood and James Cutter

Hood: I'm honored to have met you Master Chief. Good luck out there.

Cutter: I think I might join you in retirement it's been so long since I had a good rest.

The Spartans was out and about in formal wear as Jaune also was out of his Mjolnir

Carter: shame to see you go Chief.

Six: yeah, where else can I get another rival.

Jaune: try and beat my kill count. That would occupy yourself.

Frederic: well I guess this is good bye.

Jaune: it's not a farewell. It's a see you soon. I'm not gone forever guys just make sure you drop by.

Buck: we'll drop in ODST style for you then.

Dare: stow it buck since I'm your advisor for the remainder of your time as a Spartan.

Buck: yeah yeah.

Sam made whipping noises

Jaune gave Frederic a handshake

Jaune: take care of the new blue team.

Frederic: I'll do my best.

Blue Team Status

Jaune - Retired

Kelly - Retired

Linda - Retired

Frederic - Active

Sam - Active

New Blue Team

Frederic - Team Leader

Tucker - Second in Command





Jerome: I guess it's our time to clock out too.

Red Team Status

Jerome - Retired

Alice - Retired

Douglas - Retired

New Red Team

Sarge - Team Leader

Simmons - Second in Command





Cal - Retired

Fire Team WildCat - Active

Fire Team Omega - Active

Fire Team Noble - Active

And the day was well spent as the entire UNSC celebrated Master Chief's final day

Jaune makes his way back to Beacon

Jaune met up with Ruby, Velvet, Cal, Kelly, Linda and Samus and they lived happily ever after

Have a good life Master Chief and until the next time

We have finally finished the Fight.

The End

Jaune SpartanWhere stories live. Discover now