Next Day Beacon Launch Pad
Qrow: You Atlas types love selling out your neighbors.
Winter: mind your tongue!
Jaune walks towards them under a request of Ozpin
Jaune: that's enough, don't make a scene.
Winter: state your identity, rank and business.
Jaune: John 117, Master Chief Petty Officer, and I'm here to get that man to Ozpin's office.
After hearing his rank Winter salutes
Qrow: another soldier? You types are so robotic with your rules and protocols.
Jaune: I don't want to hear that coming from a former bandit, who ruined so many lives, just to survive.
I dedicated my life to protecting the Innocent, not plunder and murder them
Qrow couldn't talk back to that
Jaune: come with me if you want to live.
Qrow: I go on my own choice.
As they make their way to the tower they are met with Ruby and Weiss
Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Did you miss me!? Did you!?
Qrow: nope.
Weiss: sister! She curtsey
How is your stay here?
Winter: it's alright, but I have been informed of the incident on the highway. You have a punishment pending back home.
Weiss just nods and accept responsibility
Qrow raised an eyebrow and looked at Ruby
Ruby: I'll tell you later when we're in private.
They entered the elevator
And then Jaune spoke
Jaune: Miss Schnee, please grow thicker skin towards people like Qrow. He was goading you to make a public spectacle.
Winter: I'll do better Sir!
Qrow: yeah, learn to kiss ass more.
Then an armored fist went by his head and put a hole in the elevators wall
Jaune: ENOUGH! Qrow BRANWEN!!! I controlled myself for Ruby's sake, don't push it.
Your Clan is responsible for numerous murders and destruction. If I had the authority and if you were not related to Ruby, I would have killed you the moment we met!
Then the doors open
Ozpin's Office
Ozpin: please don't destroy school property Mister 117, the Council is stingy enough with our schools budget.
Glynda: (murmurs) yeah due to your coffee budget.
Winter salutes Ironwood
Ozpin: thank you Mister 117 for stopping the fight before it escalated.
Jaune: if you ask me if I was younger it might have become a warzone if I had my hands on this scum.
Qrow: jeez cool off soldier boy, I'm not with the clan anymore for years now. I've earned my redemption.
Jaune: and you did nothing to the rest of your miserable clan.
Qrow just drinks from his flask
Ironwood done giving Winter her orders

Jaune Spartan
FanfictionAfter being betrayed by everyone he knows, he condemns himself into the Emerald Forest but through out his final stand he found something hidden in the forest, something that will make him into a Hero of another world.