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Team CRDL charged Jaune haphazardly

Jaune then did something Covenant like

Jaune: Cortana disengage my Shields.

Cortana: what? Why?

Jaune: I want to show how pathetic this team is.

Cortana: alright shields are down.

Jaune then took out a baton and charged the cheese heads

The team tried their best but

Dove tried to sweep his feet but Jaune jumped over while Russel jumped to intercept him

But to his surprise Jaune aimed his arm at him and a line flew and pierced the loos part of his clothes


He pulled Russel to him and decked him with a clothes line sending him spinning in the air

Jaune then used his grapple shot and shoot in between Sky's feet

Sky looks down at his feet and forgot the speeding train coming at him

(Cortana then plays a Steam Train audio)

Jaune: next stop, Hospital.

Then he rams Sky into the ground leaving a crater

Dove then tries to catch Jaune as he was trying to right himself from the landing, Jaune the spun around and grabbed his hands then headbutts him

Leaving Cardin alone

Cardin: useless idiots!

He then readied his mace which now glows red alright

Jaune: ( Alright Cortana document the data on how much damage the MJOLNIR armor can negate without the shields.)

Cortana: ( sure Jaune just remember if the armor does break your fixing it.)

Jaune: (sure thing mom.)

Cortana:( you dumbass.)

Jaune:(yeah but I'm your dumbass.)

They both just laughed within the helmet without anyone hearing as Cardin makes a charge

Jaune didn't move as Cardin then smashes the Mace into his chest

The the Dust detonates leaving a cloud of smoke

Cardin just laughs like a madman thinking he's won

Then the smoke clears and his laughing abruptly came to a halt

Jaune: I see you were not even taking it seriously. Let me make myself clear, YOU, ME as HARD as you CAN. Got it?

Cardin: crystal. As he scowls and charges his Mace to full power

Jaune looks at his chest as he finds a small scratch on it

Cortana:(I detect minimal to zero damage to your suit.)

Jaune:(I'll just buff that scratch out.)

Then Cardin screams

Cardin: this is everything I got. Let's see if you can take it.

Jaune:(Cortana engage the shields.)

Cortana:(got it Jaune.)

Then Cardin make a leap and goes for an overhead swing

Jaune then just looks at him impassively as Cardin swung down and an even larger dust cloud emerged

Cardin was about to start laughing until he was smacked in the face with an electrical baton that sent him flying

Jaune SpartanWhere stories live. Discover now