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A loud bugle horn blew through the academy

Many walks out of their dorms

An announcement made by Glynda rang out

Glynda: through an emergency meeting it was decided to increase the academy's curriculum to enhance your skills.

Do not worry it is temporary, but it is a requirement to attend this new class. Anyone caught disobeying this change will be punished.

Your new class is called HELL.

The students grumbled as they made their way to the new class

Glynda Goodwitch was found at the center of the arena but that wasn't what got people's attention

It was the 7 foot armored behemoth standing next to her that got people to look on

Team JNPR entered the room, with their newest member Jeanne Arc, despite her kind demeanor she thoroughly hates a bit of team RWBY and her team for what they did to her brother

She transferred to Beacon to look for him all she found was Corcea Mors chipped and scratched and the Shield was broken beyond repair

She had it refabricated and upgraded to extend into a broadsword and have a Hard light feature

Jeanne was both angry and depressed at what happened and the family is divided between all the sisters and the mother against her father who basically banished Jaune without their consent or approval

The rest of the family though disappointed in Jaune's actions will not condemn him for it, but he still needed a stern talking to

But they all believe they lost him when it was reported he was missing, and his gear found damaged an covered in blood

Authorities have assumed and declared him dead

Team RWBY on the other hand was worse of after the incident Ruby seldom talk with the rest of her team especially Yang

With Yang defending herself that he was bad company, but Ruby fired back that she behaved no differently than the bullies she claimed to hate

Weiss although was right in the legality of Jaune's offence, it was too much to ostracize a person just for falsifying papers. She is one to talk since her family's wealth was built on slavery

Blake was no different she claims she want to make things fair for the Faunus, but she didn't lift a finger to help a fellow Faunus when Velvet was constantly harassed

Jeanne: hey Ruby, how you doing?

Ruby: good, but I still miss the big goof.

Jaune observed the teams and sighed

Cortana came to him with a missing persons report

His family still cared for him and sacrificed a lot to find him

It was now clear the decision to banish him was his father's, Jaune plans to meet with them to tell them his okay, later if he has the time

But how can he explain to make them to feel better, when all that he experienced was Hell X 1000 in the other world

Jaune will cross that bridge when he gets to it but first

Jaune: Greetings, I am John 117 your new field instructor, I am here to teach you sorry lot discipline.

Weiss: how are we undisciplined sir?

Jaune: I see you have forgotten already. Class let me introduce you all to the band of screw ups, team RWBY

Yang: HEY!!!! We're not screw ups!!! I'll punch you in the dick!

Jaune: thank you miss Xiao Long for proving my point.

Due to recent events an accident occurred on the docks. Roman Torchwick a well know and highly dangerous criminal was absconding a large shipment of Dust from the SDC.

These children in their infinite wisdom decided to take matters into their own hands. Common sense dictates that you should have called the proper authorities.

The White Fang and Roman couldn't have loaded all that dust by the time they arrive and he could possibly been caught.

Instead miss Belladonna and Rose fought him with the help of a delinquent and another girl. And at the end of the day he escaped.

You have Endangered yourselves, Undermined the authorities,Broken the Law. And failed to get results. You can't defend your actions no matter what.

If your not sure you can get the job done don't do it, you'll only make things worse.

Yang: they stopped Torchwick from stealing the Dust!!!!

Jaune: yes, but the port was still near populated areas the explosion you caused may have killed if not injured any innocent bystanders.

And the damage you did, amounted 584,000 Lien. Who do you think will pay for that? Your lucky the Headmaster is protecting you, if not your asses would be on jail not here.

That shut up any more complaints fro the team

Jaune: alright enough of that, I will train you all in hand to hand.

Student: why sir, we have our weapons?

Jaune: let me ask you this, if you run out of ammo or it breaks? Are you gonna run and leave civilians to die?

The students began murmuring

Jaune: alright, who here thinks they can beat me?

Cardin obnoxiously raised his hand

Cardin: I do!

Jaune: then bring your team and weapons.

A few minutes later

Jaune: alright, begin!

Jaune SpartanWhere stories live. Discover now