The Arc family finally calmed down
Saphron: you went to another world!?
Jaune: yes, I was sent there to fight a war.
Jeanne: war!?
Jaune: you saw what I went through, it was for the sake of survival.
Sapphire: all that so that you become the perfect soldier!?
Jaune: it was necessary.
Sapphire: NECESSARY, they treated you and those other children as lab rats!
Jaune: We lost 7 planets!!! Our race needed a solution, we are it!
And Jaune glared at Ironwood
Ozpin the shifted his glare on ironwood
Ruby: Jaune....
Jaune then smiled
Jaune: hey there crater face.
Ruby the hugged him
Ruby: I'm sorry I didn't stood up for you!!
As she cries
Jaune the rubs her head
Jaune: it's alright, I know you didn't had a choice.
He looks at team WBY sternly
Kali: I can't believe you Blake, Jaune is a family friend of ours. And you left him in the dust?
Ghira: I am so disappointed, he and his family are the only humans who accepted us as equals.
And when he needed help the most you turned your back? I thought I taught you better.
Blake was shocked Jaune was a family friend? She looks down at the floor ashamed
Velvet walked to the Spartan
Velvet: sorry for kicking you during Class.
Jaune: why so? You just made me proud that you got so strong.
Velvet perked up
Coco just nudges her
Coco: damn, you really got big over the years.
Jaune: you do know that's part of that augmentation.
Coco: yeah, but you still look good.
Jaune: it's nice to be surrounded by caring people.
Yang and Weiss shifted
Ozpin: Miss Librarian, can you answer one question?
Librarian: yes sir Ozma.
Ozpin: why Mister Ar....
Jaune shot him a dirty look
Ozpin: uh, why Jaune, there's a lot of capable warriors here?
Librarian: capabilities is different from integrity.
Ozpin: are you saying that the students here don't have integrity?
Librarian: yes.
The teams look on offended
Librarian: I know you have evidence on the incident at Forever Falls but you were to late to present it to save this young man.
Please play it and give him justice broadcast it all over the Campus
Ozpin did as instructed and replayed the evidence that Jaune stood up to Cardin and he saved him despite that he blackmailed and beaten him

Jaune Spartan
FanfictionAfter being betrayed by everyone he knows, he condemns himself into the Emerald Forest but through out his final stand he found something hidden in the forest, something that will make him into a Hero of another world.