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The ship lands on one of Beacons landing pads

Jaune went down with a couple of Spartans and The Beacon staff and Ozpin

The Young teams were curious at the commotion and went on to take a look

The rest of the Spartans was alerted and are on their way

Jaune: state your identity and business here.

???: I'm here to collect a bounty.

Jaune's eyes narrowed

???: My name is of no consequence to you.

Jaune: and why is that?

???: Because your My Bounty...

The hooded figure revealed themselves

The Hunter then jumped and fired a blue beam

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The Hunter then jumped and fired a blue beam

It was too fast as it hit Chief in the arms and went through to his legs that are both incased in ice

The Hunter landed and launched a rocket at him but Jaune smashed his arms on his legs and was able to free his hands and intercept punch the rocket to the sky

The Hunter then started running then quickly turned into a blur

Ruby: hey! Speed is my thing!!! (And somewhere in Atlas Harriet grew a tick mark)

The blur rammed Jaune a few times until Jaune was thrown a two magnums by Johnson

The UNSC has been ordered by Chief not to intervene, the Spartan IVs are watching the fight learning how Spartan IIs fight

Jaune and the hunter circled each other as they fired both their weapons trying to get a hit in Jaune discarded the magnums and drew an SMG as the Rookie threw him a SPNKr

The two then rushed each other and clashed in mid air grasping their enemies weapon and pointing it away from shooting at each other

They both smacked into the floor as the Hunter turned into a Ball and Jaune used the empty launcher and smacks him away

But what Jaune failed to notice is the drop mines the Hunter left behind

And staggers Jaune as the Hunter used a beam like whip to right his positioning and used said whip to grab Jaune's legs and proceed whip him around beacons columns until Jaune used his Grapple Shot to break free and the thrusters to break his landing

Jaune was smacked into a roof

Jaune: man this guy sure is tough!!!

(Hold on the way this guy fights his human, maybe I could....)

He then kicks a huge chunk of rubble towards the Hunter and it used a massive beam of energy to destroy it

He didn't realize the shimmer that's getting close to him

Jaune SpartanWhere stories live. Discover now