Chapter 6.5 - Welcome To U.A

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Has It really been a month? Oh god I'm so sorry 😭
I really wanted to post what I had so far to try and make up for it, currently the word count as im writing this is 846.

3rd Person P.O.V

Dream watched Izuku intently, scanning his every movements. He made a mental note that the kid was sure to be one to look out for. Dream didn't like any of the students very much, they were pretty boring.
Dream sighed and turned to Tommy, who looked bored to death. "Some drama certainly wouldn't hurt." Dream thought, afterall the students asked for it. They weren't really good at hiding that they were trying to eavesdrop on Tommy and Dream

The last battle ended, the students made their way to the bleachers. Sounds of laughter and chatter filled the area, most students were drowned in sweat. The ones sent to recovery girl had already made their way back all fixed and new.
"Dude! That's so manly!" Kirishima patted Bakugou. "I know." Bakugou boasted, smirking at the losers.
Mineta sat defeatedly next to Momo, asking for comfort. Momo returned a kick to Mineta, making him fall onto Dream.
Mineta still lovestruck by Momo kicking him, didn't realize he was on Dream.
"Ahem." Dream nudged at Mineta, slightly getting angered. The students watched in horror but knew Mineta kind of deserved it. Dream clutches his fist, looking like he's going to punch Mineta. Sadly the other students didn't notice, but Tommy did.
Tommy pushed off Mineta, waking him from his daydream.
"AAH! I'm so sorry!" Mineta apologized, running off to Denki.
Tommy whispered to Dream, "Don't hurt them, the teachers will see. Murder isn't very common here." Dream sighed, releasing his fist and getting up.
"Dream right?" Aizawa blocked him. Dream nodded in return, trying to get past.
"Come with us." Aizawa turned his body around but still looking at Dream. Soon enough Dream followed Aizawa into the building but before they walked in Aizawa called over Tommy aswell. The three of them walked to an empty room. Inside awaited Nezu and a few other pro heros. Cameras surronded each corner of the square room and a chair along with a table was set up in the centre. It looked like something an insane psychopath would be locked up in.

"Oh, this room again." Tommy frowned, walking next to Dream who was already in the chair making himself comfortable.
"You couldn't have at least put in two chairs?" Tommy pouted, putting an elbow on Dream's head.
"If you don't get your elbow off my head I'll chop off your head." Dream threatened. Everybody in the room tensed up except for the two. Tommy immediately pulled his elbow off his head, laughing sarcastically.
(I hope you get what I mean, it's like "Haha... so funny" that kinda laugh? Anyways back into the story.)
"You will what?" Aizawa spoke up, his scarf beginning to float. "It's just some silly joke me and Tommy have." Dream laughed, remembering murder was apparently not allowed here.
"Alright then... What's your quirk?" Nezu asked,  stepping forward so he's next to Aizawa.
Dream giggled, "It's a secret!" Deep inside Dream knew he had no quirk, obviously he wasn't from this world. It was XD's doing. Though he doesn't know why XD would be doing this.

(For the people who don't know who is XD, he's a god in the DSMP. Im pretty sure they made it canon he was a god, but some people don't appear to know so I just want to make that clear!)

"You have to tell us," Aizawa spoke up "otherwise you'll go to prison for trespassing." A bead of sweat dripped from Dream's forehead. "I'm quirkless." Dream answered. It definitely would've been more fun to trick them into thinking he has a quirk but he really doesn't, but the sound of prison somehow makes Dream a tiny bit nervous. "You could've just said that." Aizawa frowned, he always seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Oh well! Name, age, how you got here and your relationship to Tommy." Nezu smiled, copying down the previous information given. "Dream WasTaken, 24, I randomly got teleported when I fell into snow, haha funny I know and.." Dream paused, thinking of his answer. What should he say? "Me and Tommy are friends." Dream finished.
"Alright then, since you're an adult you can attend classes and roam around. Just don't cause trouble." Nezu continued copying down the new information. "Could I start classes tomorrow?" Tommy asked, he had grown a little fond of his new friends. It wouldn't hurt to join them a little sooner. "Of course. Dismissed." Nezu smiled, finishing the last sentence.

Aizawa returned to his class along with Dream and Tommy following along. At the near entrance of the doors to the classroom, Aizawa took a deep breath then walked in. "Settle down." Aizawa commanded, all the students sat back at their seats. Tommy and Dream walked in with him, Tommy smiling big and Dream grinning under his mask.
Meanwhile at the side, Aizawa was getting comfortable in his yellow bean bag. "Introduce yourself, once you are done everyone flip to page 126." Aizawa sleepily said, immediately dozing off afterwards.

"The name's Dream, as you already know. This is Tommy." Dream pointed to Tommy, "For our quirks, mines a secret and his is wings. Tommy will officially be joining you tomorrow. Any questions?"
A few hands went up, Tommy picked the guy with red eyes and spiky blonde hair. The guy always seemed moody, he was loud too. "You! With the spiky blonde hair!" Tommy pointed. "My names Bakugou!" The spiky blonde yelled, "Why does Dream have a mask?" He continued on. Tommy looked at Dream and waited for his response, but he didn't answer so Tommy decided to answer for him!"Because he's ugly." Tommy joked, laughing a bit. Dream had a mask on, but he could feel the cold glare he was giving. "Sorry..." Tommy mumbled, turning back to the students.


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