Chapter 3 - Interrogation

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"My names Dream."

All Might looked at Dream a bit awkwardly, expecting a real name but realizing he hadn't given his own either. For now, All Might decided to bring him to Tsukauchi, a hardworking detective and a close friend of his.

"Alright, Dream," All Might said, "I'll take you to someone who can help sort this out. Follow me."

Dream nodded, sensing that resisting would only make things worse. As they walked, All Might continued, "Detective Tsukauchi is one of the best. He'll know what to do."

Dream remained silent, his mind racing with thoughts of how to navigate this strange new world. If he was going to figure out a way back, he needed allies—or at least people who could give him information. Meeting this detective could be a good start.

Tsukauchi chewed on his pencil thoughtfully. "So... what's your name?"

"You know it already, it's Dream," Dream replied.

"Your real name," Tsukauchi pressed.

"I'm not telling you that," Dream said firmly.

"Why not?" the detective asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Because I choose not to," Dream glared.

Before Tsukauchi could respond, All Might stepped in. Dream watched as the two of them walked to the side, whispering, possibly about him.


All Might tapped Tsukauchi's shoulder, pulling him aside.

"There's something you need to know about this... weird guy," All Might whispered. "I think he might know about One For All and my next vessel."

Tsukauchi's eyes widened. "You think he knows about Midoriya?"

All Might nodded. "It's just a hunch, but we can't take any chances. We need to find out what he knows and how he knows it."

Tsukauchi glanced back at Dream, who was watching them intently. "Alright, we'll handle this carefully. We can't let this information get out."

All Might agreed. "Let's see what else we can learn from him without revealing too much."


The two of them returned to Dream, pretending they hadn't just walked out mid-interrogation. Tsukauchi adjusted his tie, trying to look composed, while All Might stood with his usual confident demeanor. Dream noticed their attempt to act nonchalant, but he wasn't fooled. He kept his arms crossed, eyes narrowing as they approached, ready for whatever they were going to throw at him next.

The room felt tense, the silence stretching out as Dream awaited their next move, suspecting that they had discussed something important and potentially dangerous about him.

Tsukauchi broke the silence, "Why do you wear that mask? Is it part of your quirk?"

Dream stood a bit dumbfounded, caught off guard by the question. He hadn't expected them to focus on his mask. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to maintain his composure. The mask was more than just a piece of his persona; it was a shield, a way to keep his true identity hidden. Plus, what even was a quirk? Are they asking if he was quirky?

"Um... What's a quirk?" Dream awkwardly asked.

Tsukauchi and All Might exchanged a glance, their expressions reflecting a mix of surprise and concern. Tsukauchi cleared his throat before responding, "A quirk is a special ability that most people in this world have. It's what makes us unique—whether it's super strength, telekinesis, or something else."

Dream's confusion deepened. He hadn't seen anything like that in his own world. He tried to process the information, realizing that understanding this concept might be crucial for navigating this strange new environment. As he absorbed the explanation, he couldn't help but wonder how his own abilities, if any, might fit into this world's framework.

"Ah, I see." Dream chewed on his lip. "I don't know what my quirk might be."

That wasn't a lie. He genuinely had no idea what his own quirk could be, if he even had one. Tsukauchi's expression showed a mix of surprise and curiosity.

All Might stepped in, his tone both sympathetic and encouraging. "It's not uncommon to be unsure about your quirk, especially if you haven't had a chance to explore it yet. We can help you figure it out, but it might take some time. Would you like to join U.A. High School?"

Dream considered the offer. Going to this high school might give him a chance to learn more about his own abilities and the environment he was in. It seemed like a good opportunity to understand the world better and possibly gain some control over his situation.

"I'd like that," Dream said, nodding.

All Might smiled. "Great. We'll start the process to get you enrolled. Just remember, there's a lot to learn, but you're not alone."

With that, Dream felt a small wave of relief. The path ahead was still uncertain, but at least he had a direction and a potential way to gain some clarity.

Author Speaking:

Ayy fast update! Posted one yesterday, posted one today. I'll be posting a small authors note on the bottom of every chapter to kinda check in. Anyways, how do you guys feel about this one?
Again, any suggestions are highly appreciated.
I'm always on the lookout for any questions!

Word Count: 797 words (Not including A/N and this)

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