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Taehyung woke up a bit later than usual. Last night was a nightmare that he wishes wasn't true. He cannot believe he enabled this all to happen. What has his life come to?

Sitting at the breakfast table with his family except his dad who was already out meeting his friends. His father was finally living his retired life and everything is going the way he wants. He must be ecstatic right now. Taehyung saw Namjoon glancing at him every now and then as he took another sip of coffee.

Taehyung raised his eyebrow at him. “What? why are you staring at me like that?”

“How did the conversation with Jeongguk go last night?” Namjoon asked him the question with a playful smile. Seora, who was next to him, giggled.

“Good…why are you both laughing?” Taehyung wanted to be let in too with whatever these two were chuckling about.

“The talk went longer than we expected. So we were just wondering what you two were doing.” Seora said to him and Taehyung rolled his eyes.

“You both are so not serious. Nothing happened, okay I wouldn't have do something with him when our families are some feet away from us.” Taehyung replies, eating his toast in peace. Topics like these are very common with the two brothers as they are moon and the sun, cannot live without the other.

“So you would have done him if we were not there.” Seora added in, making her husband laugh. Taehyung stomped his feet. They were really messing with him.

“Don't tease me, okay!! you guys were worse than us. I still remember both of you sneaking off at every single gathering together. I noticed it all.” Taehyung replied and they just laughed. Deciding to stop teasing him. Seora was finished so she stood up and went to the kitchen to make green tea for herself.

“Taehyung, teasing aside. I hope you know I am always with you, okay? you don't need to worry about anything. If you don't like him or you don't want to marry him anymore, then let me know. I would make dad understand. Don't force yourself into something if you don't want it.” Namjoon patted his back and Taehyung felt more guilty than ever.

“Ofcourse, it's not a situation like that. We just need time to get to know each other more. I am glad you and dad both are so fond of Jeongguk.”

“Who wouldn't be? He's such a capable guy for you, Taehyung. He’s the CEO, he is able to carry himself up and be responsible. Very obedient to his parents and respects them. That's very important in families like ours, Taehyung. Beside all that, he is handsome too so you would have fun with him.” he winked at his brother and now he was back to teasing him.

“Hyung!” Taehyung whined to him. “Yeah, you are right. He is as golden as they say. I just need to take off his layers to see what else there is in him besides being a chaebol, you know?” Taehyung made eye contact with his brother and he was silent for a second and then started to laugh again. Taehyung slapped his arm playfully.

“how do you manage a company when you are this childish hyung, oh my god.” Taehyung complained and Namjoon started to apologize.

“Sorry, sorry it's not my fault. You basically handed that opportunity to me. But fine I would stop now. I have to go to the office, you start eating faster too if you don't want to be late. Take care, tae.” Namjoon ruffled his hair before he exited the room, leaving Taehyung with his breakfast alone.

A ping from his phone distracts him from his train of thoughts. He grabbed the phone and looks at his lockscreen to see he got a new text.

Park Sehoon (Boss man)
4 new text messages

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