Chapter 2: Don't Follow Your Heart

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They say when you is find the one, it just fits. While Sondra believed that was true, she had been hurt in the past. She was grateful Ashton had been so welcoming to take it slow.

They wrote each other for months, discussing past hurts, dreams, ideals and goals for the future.

The more and more Sondra discovered about him the more she found to love.

She held onto his last letter tightly as she wandered around the castle.

Her heart would race and slow, but another glance at his words and her heart was sent pounding again.

She took a deep breath and began to walk towards her parent's throne room.

"Where are you going?" The voice made her jump, her heart was already pounding enough, "Goodness, Leonardo."

Her little brother looked at her, "that didn't answer my question."

She glared and sighed, "look it's nothing I just...wanted to talk to them about...a boy."

"A boy?" Leo chuckled, "how'd you trick someone into liking you?"

Sondra folded her arms and again glared.

"Kidding, who is he?" Leo took a step closer.

"Um...He's a prince." Sondra said in a higher voice as she looked down blushing.

Leo grabbed the letter from her hand. Instantly she tried to chase him as he read the lines out loud.

"'The more I've learned of you the stronger my heart longs to see you again-"

"GIVE IT BACK!" Sondra's cheeks were a dark red.

"'All my heart' signed 'ASHTON?'" Leo froze, he turned to look at his sister, "Ashton?"

Sondra grabbed the letter back and held it to her chest. "Y-yes."

"The prince who's my age?" Leo asked with concern.

"I know, I know it's weird but...he's everything I wanted. And I think I'm the same for him." She looked up at her taller younger brother.

Leo gave her a small smile, "I know how it feels to fall in love with someone who's out of your age range."

"You do? What's her name?" Sondra beamed, ecstatic to learn more of his life.

"Elora, she's kind funny and spirited. I think you two would actually get along." Leo laughed softly.

Sondra was captivated. She smiled at her brother, "you have a girlfriend~" she teased.

"No, actually that's what I'm saying, she's older and it just would never work. I know you think this will stand a chance, but...I don't want to see you heartbroken when it doesn't." He said almost like he was trying to reassure her that things would be okay if it ended.

She shrugged him off, "I-"

"Prince Leonardo," a butler poked his head in, "we have rocks from the new quarry that you must inspect prior to our building, please come?"

"I'll be there in a moment," he nodded then told his sister, "You're on two different paths, let him follow his." Leo gave her a smile before exiting.

Everything Leo had said messed with Sondra's head. She felt sick to her stomach, she stumbled to a chair and collapsed in it.

She stared at the letter for what seemed like hours. This letter meant so much to her. It was the first time Ashton insisted she come visit him and his family in Oida.

"You've been reading that page for like an hour, what could possibly be on it?" Sondra smiled at the sound of Rosalina's voice.

"'s Ashton." Sondra told her.

Rosalina beamed and sat down beside her, "tell me everything!"

"He invited me to come stay with them!" Sondra said discouraged.

"Sondy, isn't that a good thing?" Rosa teased.

"It's an amazing thing...but you didn't hear Leo, he told me that it'd never work with our ages and-"

"I love you Sondy, but listening to Leo, I mean I love him and all, but he's not the one invested in you. This is a choice you and Ash need to take. And it sounds like to me~ we're taking a diplomatic adventure to Oida!" Rosa jumped up and smirked excitedly.

"We?" Sondra laughed.

"What you think you're going alone? I'm way too invested." She teased, "besides, I can't wait to see my little sister get the happiness she deserves."
Sondra softened and gave Rosalina a hug.

"Thanks Rosa..."

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