Chapter 5: Oida Legend

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The evening seemed to go by in a blur which wasn't exactly what Sondra had been hoping. Ashton's parents were kind and gracious, but she couldn't remember what they talked about or much of how they looked. Her mind had been occupied by other things.

She kept thinking of the sword, and of magic. She tried to shake the feeling that something felt off, something wasn't right. There was a sinking feeling in her gut that wouldn't ease up.

Ashton's parents had been more than caring and understanding, honestly they were the perfect hosts. The king however did make sure to point out to Sondra that her life is not worth risking for a book. She took the hint that maybe they didn't want her doing dangerous stunts unless it was absolutely necessary.

Time flew through the evening, she was there but mentally distracted. After dinner Ashton had taken her hand and awaken her from whatever trance she'd been under by ushering her away into a privet room.

"Are you sleep walking?" he asked with a light chuckle, "I mean I know meeting my parents was overwhelming and all, but please tell me you're okay?"

"I-yes, sword?" she tried to reassure him before she realised that she had misplaced the sword.

"I promise the sword is fine, I had the guards bring it to your room for safekeeping." this time Ashton took both of her hands to hold them.

She finally met his eyes, they stood there for a few silent moments just staring into each other's eyes.

There was a gentle knock on the door, "am I interrupting something?" The king asked in a gentle tone.

Ashton turned to look at his father but he held onto Sondra's hands.

"I just wanted to ask, have you two had any alone time yet?"

Ashton's face turned a pinkish color, "no." He said softly.

The king gave a small smirk and closed the stained glass double doors.

That's when Sondra realised where they were. She looked up to see the room was a stained glass room reflecting and refracting light to dance all around them in warm hues. It was absolutely stunning to look at. It almost seemed magical.

"Ashton?" She turned to him. "Do you believe in...magic?"

He chuckled and found a comfy spot on the carpeted floor, "I didn't used to."

She studied his facial features, they seemed calm and almost amused. She was drawn in and found herself sitting down next to him.

"But then I met you." He chuckled.

Sondra rolled her eyes and allowed her gaze to be drawn to the second most lovely view, the glass.

"I'm serious," he continued, "when my parents discovered that I initiated the flirting between us-"

"What they thought a 26 year old would go after their 20 year old son?" She laughed.

"They were just happy I found someone, it's not something any of us really saw yeah...I'd call that magic." He looked over at her.
His blue eyes seemed to sparkle and fill her stomach with butterflies, how was it that he could do that so easily.

"Ash?" She asked, "when I was climbing down the bridge to get Ann's book...I slipped and that...that sword was stuck in the cliff-face, if it hadn't been there..." she shook her head, "I could have died." She laid down on the floor captivated by the thoughts and lights.

Ashton laid on his side to look at her. "And you think it was magic?" He asked her.

"I do...and I don't...ugh it's complicated I don't know what to think."

"Well, there is an old Oida legend of magic, but you wouldn't want to hear it." Ashton teased.

Sondra bumped him with eyes wide wanting him to go on.

He giggled and blushed slightly by the cute sight, "Legend goes that if magic is in danger it chooses one worthy of fixing it and saves them from grave danger."

She stared at him confused, "that's oddly specific."

He chuckled, "it's an old-wife's legend that's for sure."

"You think I could be worthy?" She teased turning to face him.

"I think you are..." Ashton said softly, his eyes sparkled just slightly. "I know we're both new at this...but we've been writing and courting for 8 months now...and I want to talk about..." his cheeks turned red he couldn't continue.

She smiled and gently reached out to stroke his pale cheek. "You think you'd wanna get married?"

He let out a bit of a squeak, "yes, please."

She chuckled just softly, "I'd like that..."

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