Chapter 6: What Dreams Are Made Of

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Lavender and a dark blue haze surrounded her. There were bits of reflective sparkles dancing along catching the light as they floated in the mist.

Sondra couldn't help but think it looked enchanting. She reached into it and chuckled as the silver glints of glitter wafted around her fingertips.

She knew where she was, she looked up to see her parents Queen Juliana and King Timothy standing there starting the ceremony at the head of the lakes edge. She rushed to their side accompanied by her siblings. She could feel her pulse start to rush as she looked down the stretch of lake side seeing Ashton and his family attending the event.

It was a beautiful time of year, the Water Lantern Festival, it was symbolic of the greeting of summer. The sky and fogs would clear away this time of year and finally in a show of hope the people of Emra would place their lanterns on the water after writing their hopes and dreams onto it.

She watched her parents set the first one into the calm lake followed by more and more. She held on tightly to her lantern and ran to Ashton pulling him into her arms in a kiss.

His face turned a vibrant pink which was cute on his pale features. She pulled him aside. They couldn't feel their feet as they ran along happily wanting to be amongst themselves.

They found themselves on the far side of the lake, as they looked out into the water at all the lanterns, there was an incredible glow. This flow was a reflection of how their hearts felt towards each other, but both were nervous to admit it.

Sondra took a breath and set her lantern on the water while Ash was looking out at the vast lights.

The little lantern Sondra had made began to circle around in the waves revealing writing on it. Ashton studied it as it slowly turned, each wave adding sparkle to the already bright lantern that enraptured his view.

He gasped at what it said and he turned around to see if Sondra had meant it. He covered his mouth as his cheeks turned pink.

"Ashton, we've been friends for years, as we've gotten closer I've learned there's no one else I wish to have for my companion, you are my best friend and soulmate. Will you-"




"Nooooo!" Sondra woke in a jolt she sat up and immediately glared at Maisey.

"Oops, good dream?" Maisey teased. Her ponytails were done up neatly and her dress was freshly pressed.

Sonny realized she clearly wasn't looking as put together, she got up reluctantly and began to get dressed.

"I had a dream about...Ashton..." she admitted sheepishly.

"Oooooo Ashton," Rosalina peaked into the room, she pretended to swoon to playfully mock her sister.

Sonny rolled her eyes and fixed her shirt, "it wasn't like that."

Both her friend and sister gave her a skeptical look.

"Okay...maybe it was exactly like that...we were at the Lantern Festival, and I Proposed to him! I wrote will you marry me on the Lantern and when he turned around I was on one knee."

"How princess charming of you." Maisey giggled.

Sondra shook her head with a laugh and tossed a shirt at her to rebel from the teasing.

"You should!" Rosalina said.

Sonny looked at her, "get real."

"No, I mean it. It's only 4 months away, that plenty of time to plan, although it already sounds like it'd be a great plan." Rosalina told her sister.

Sondra looked at Maisey to back her up.

"You've always dreamed of proposing, and I can tell you this, he seems like the kinda guy who'd enjoy it~" Maisey winked and walked out with a basket of laundry to do.

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