Chapter 10: The Birthday Ball

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The room was very pink, very Rosalina. Luckily as the sun was setting a pinkish haze filled the room.

One of the sayings for Emra was 'it's the kingdom with its head in the clouds.' In all reality the fog wasn't too big of a deal, it had an elegance to it especially at dawn and dusk.

Sondra put on a dress, she typically wore an open concept skirt with brown pants that allowed her to walk and run easier, but she'd dress up for Rosa. She put her hair up in a tight pony tail, put on a necklace and her nicest dress which happened to be a light blue color. It had been a gift from Ashton's mother, it was Ashton's favorite color.

She stared at herself in the mirror admiring the soft colors before turning and heading to the party. Today had to be perfect for Rosalina. This party was about hope and happy and-WOW her sister was shaped like a pastry.

She smiled as she watched her sister leave her room, she has a big fluffy gown as normal, but it was fluffier than usual, more sparkles more flowers. It was an elegant kind of way though. She definitely looked like a princess. Her golden tiara swirled in on itself making the gems catch the light in a unique way.

Everyone ood and awed. Maisey grabbed Sondra and they quickly descended the stairs in order to give Rosalina her stairway solo walk.

Maisey wore a beautiful soft pink gown that made the blue of her eyes stand out. She had taken her hair out of their regular ponytails and her long hair danced about her shoulders.

"You look incredible." Sondra told her friend, "hey, be on the look out for a girl with green hair."

Maisey stared at her, "okay." She giggled just softly.

"Mind if I step in?" A tall man in a dark plaid pattern offered his hand to Maisey.

Sondra recognized this as her husband and let them escape. She had to find Elora and find out what she knew, no wait! She had to find a date for Rosalina!

She looked over to her sister who was scanning the crowd.

Rosa was uncomfortable to say the least, but she knew her worth, she just hoped others would see it too.

A shorter pudgy man with a sort of off handed smile approached her, "hello, beautiful," he offered her his hand. It looked worn with small cuts on it.

Rosa studied him and smiled, his compliment made her melt just a bit and she took it.

"Princess Rosalina," she introduced herself softly, hiding a small blush.

"I am Garth, just a small tax collector for Emra," he smiled pulling her into a dance as he looked up at her.

"That explains the cuts, dealing with money," Rosalina observed.

"Dawww you're observant."

She blushed and enjoyed the dance.

Sondra smiled seeing her sister enjoy herself, she looked around searching. Perhaps Elora didn't come? Elora, the more she thought about it the more it sounded familiar.

Leo! Leo had said that name earlier! He mentioned liking a girl older than him. Her mind raced wondering if it could possibly be the same woman.

There was a gentle tap on Sondra's shoulder making her jump. "Goodness, you scared me!"

She recognized the gentleman from Oida, he worked with Ashton quite frequently although for the life of her she couldn't remember his name.

He stood taller than her by a bit, he had calm friendly eyes. "Master Ashton asked me to bring you this." He said softly.

"Thank you......" she paused and studied him, his name was on the tip of he tongue, but why couldn't she think of it?

"Henry," he finished her statement with a chuckle.

She took the letter and smiled at it fondly, she saw the beautiful seal of a snowflake, "why didn't he send this with the one this morning?" She asked with a confused look.

"He said he wanted something for you to read at the ball, it was important to him to let you know that all the way from Oida he was thinking of you. He said you must read it at exactly 8."

She glanced at the clock 7:57, "well you have good timing, I'll give you that." She teased.

"Sonny, there you are! You said you wanted to talk?" Elora caught up with her new friend.


"I-" Sondra stared at the clock, "I do I just."

"She needs a minute," Henry smiled softly at Elora, he offered her his arm, "care for a dance? I'll bring you back to Sondra when we finish."

Elora nodded and gently took his arm following him to the dance floor.

Sondra held the letter close to her and snuck out of the ballroom to stand by the fountain.

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