Chapter 25: The Black Wand

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One week before the third wedding. Sondra spent it outside pacing as she watched the corn stocks being shaped, the trees were changing. She checked the pumpkins the apple cider, everything. Anxiety filled her whole soul especially because no matter how much she asked and pleaded, Rosalina wouldn't join her.

"It looks wonderful," Queen Juliana reassured her daughter, "It's very...unique."

Sondra smiled at her mom, grateful that she was trying. She knew it was hard for her mother to like things that weren't entirely traditional. "Thanks mom, I just can't put my finger on it, I feel like somethings missing." She looked around.

"Tell me how you and Ashton met?" The queen asked.

"What?" Sondra looked up at her mom bewildered, "how is that going to-"

Her mom looked at her kindly and took Sondras hands leading her to a table, "how did you two meet?"

Sondra sighed, "It was during a royal meeting, all the kings and queens were together, and he was playing outside in the ice...I heard him singing. He sang beautifully an I knew I wanted to be his friend. Inside there was a treat table, so I got a doughnut and brought it to him, I thought it'd help him warm up to me."

"Then lets add a treat table," The queen smiled softly, "with whatever treats and doughnuts you wish. And a pumpkin wedding cake." She laughed joyfully.

Sondra lit up and gave her mom the tightest hug, "that's genius mom. Thank you so much!"

Queen Julianna hugged Sondra back tightly, "thank you for allowing me to be a part of this." She whispered.

When Sondra opened her eyes she saw a frail lady looking through the pumpkins. That couldn't be...Dorthy?

The queen pulled back, "I'll go get started, we can do apples and caramel!" She clapped her hands happily before rushing off to play her part in helping.

Sondra was transfixed with the woman, she absentmindedly followed. The woman glanced back seeing the princess following, she smirked and began to hurry on her way.

Sondra grabbed onto the hilt of her sword and followed.


The closer Sondra got the tighter her hand grasped the sword, she hadn't even noticed that the white haired old woman had lead her right into the forest.

"You know it's rude to not introduce yourself Sondra~" the woman said in a crow like cracked tone.

The voice put Sondra on edge, this woman was granted immunity, she had magic, something felt alluring to her yet it bled toxicity into Sondra's soul at the same time making her crave further knowledge.

"You've met with Leonardo," She said accusingly.

The woman turned and smirked, "And Rosalina." She purred with a crooked smile. She had a small scar on the right side of her lip that made a quiver as she spoke.

Sondra was taken back by that information.

"Ah she didn't tell you~" the woman mused.

"No, she..." Sondra looked down, was she the one that was crooked? Evil even?

"She didn't tell you how you truly made her feel." The woman's dead dark grey eyes sparkled with a sort of spell that Sondra didn't recognize. She began to walk around Sondra causing her disorientation and delusion.

Sondra drew her sword. "I made her wedding the best day of her life and I would do it all over again just to make her happy."

The woman passed behind Sondra, and as the princess turned to keep up with her she was gone until there she was again right in front of her face.

"YOU RUINED IT!" The witch cackled.

Sondra in shock dropped the sword and stumbled backwards.

"You teamed up with her parents! The very people who hurt her the day before her wedding!" The woman appeared in dark swirls of disappearing visions all around her making it hard for Sondra to keep track of where she was.

"The ones who helped Garth move?" Sondra asked spinning in puzzlement.

"You abandoned her, You ABANDONED her! You're no better than anyone! You have a cruel jealous heart that only wishes to destroy her siblings marriages to feel better about her own!"

She was jealous! Was she cruel? She stumbled forward falling to her knees, she felt warm tears bubble from her eyes as she gasped for breath. "No, I I tried to make their weddings perfect!" Her voice was dry and the words sounded like she was swallowing them back in.

The black leather boots appeared in front of her, a crooked black splintering wand tilted Sondra's chin up. "You destroy everything you touch. You are nothing but hate."

The woman's words made Sondra want to die, if her heart could just give out she'd lay there in the forest and she would pray that no one would care. She hoped she'd be forgotten and erased from all existence.

"Sond-" she heard Ashton's voice, he was looking for her. "GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE!" he demanded.

Sondra looked up seeing that Ashton had grabbed hold of the sword and swung it at the creature.

Sondra looked back to the wand and grabbed it as Dorthy hissed at Ashton desperate to get away from his slashing.

She grabbed Ashton's hand and the two began running as fast as their feet could take them feeling their lungs full with adrenaline and fear.

"YOUR WEDDING WILL BE CURSED LIKE NEVER BEFORE! You will NEVER know the freedoms of REAL MAGIC!!!" The witch bellowed, her voice raw with dry venom.

Ashton yanked her through the last of the trees and panted as they made it back to the castle.

"Who was that?" Ashton panted, "I never want you to see her again."

Sondra panted and nodded, " called me your wife?"

He smiled and helped her stand up fully both still catching their breath.

"Aren't you? We've been through crashing carriages, long distance, deadly witches, frozen waterfalls...I think that makes you my wife." He teased.

"I think you definitely qualify to be my husband." She chuckled and hugged him.

"Come on." Ashton took her hand pulling her along, his breath finally evening out, "Let's get home."

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