Break/Even 🌶️

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Content warning: Mature content. Very spicy. All characters aged 18+. 5k+ words.

"What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up that you're okay?"

Ominis POV

Sebastian and Arabella were taking too long, again. I was out of my mind waiting for them in the common room, so I decided to retreat to the Undercroft where I could pace back and forth without judgement. Not that I cared what people think of me, but I may need to let out the occasional scream, which I'd prefer to do in private.

Just as I approached the Undercroft lift, Sebastian stormed past me so quickly a gust of wind blew my robes. I could smell him from a mile away, plus I was intimately familiar with his gait.

"What in Merlin's- Sebastian!" I called out to him, but he kept walking. If he was here, where was Arabella? My heart dropped into my stomach in the seconds that it took for me to discover an answer.

"Arabella?!" I could sense her aura and my wand found her slumped against one of the Undercroft pillars. I ran to her so quickly she was barely lifting her head before I knelt beside her. My hands found her face as I traced her features to see if she was ok, and she didn't protest. I felt dirt caked all over her cheeks and forehead, and there was a dry texture under her nose. The scent told me it used to be blood. There was also something wet on her cheeks, and I've held her enough times to know that wetness as tears.

"Darling, what happened? I heard Sebastian storm out of the lift and you've been crying-" She threw her arms around my neck and I shifted to a seated position so she could sit in my lap while I held her.

"If I tell you Ominis, you need to promise me you won't leave. I don't care how mad or upset you are, you can't leave like he just did. Please promise me."

She spoke into my neck while I stroked the braid I made for her earlier in the night. It was disheveled now, I could feel it. The hairs were all out of place, clinging to her face and neck. But I wasn't surprised, because this is what happens. It's happened ever since I met him.

Sebastian breaks things and I'm left to pick up the pieces.

His charm is irresistible, even on someone like me. Sure I couldn't see him, but it didn't matter. His mannerisms, the way he carries himself, his voice, his laugh...all lent themselves to an altogether infuriatingly charming human being. Actually, he was probably closer to a house pet than a human, which added to his charm even more. Sebastian is a fierce protector, and he's fiercely loyal. It's gotten him in trouble his whole life.

September 1886. Year one.

I met Sebastian during my first year at Hogwarts on the train. I kept to myself for the duration of the ride, terrified that no one would want to speak to me because of my condition and my family's reputation. My wand was struggling to keep up with all of the sights and sounds the train had to offer compared to desolate solitude of Gaunt Manor. It was a sensory overload, so it wasn't surprising when I accidentally walked right into someone's back as we were trying to disembark.

"Watch it, Gaunt." I remember the way they spit my last name out of their mouth like it was poison. They had only peered over their shoulder to cast their verbal assault- I could tell based on how the sound hit my ears. But then they turned their full body towards me, and they were staring.

"I don't believe it. Get a load of this! A blind Gaunt. Is this how you see?" He snatched my wand from my hand and I was rendered truly blind. "Let's test my theory. Try to block my hand." He shoved my shoulder, but I didn't move. He shoved my other shoulder harder and I stumbled back. I could hear his hand movements and the way the air in front of me shifted, but I was too afraid to defend myself without my wand. "Are you mute as well? Let me paint a picture of how your next seven years here will go." I heard him wind his hand backwards and start to bring it down on me-

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