Chapter 2

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I held a baby bird in my palm tightly. The bird tried so hard to get out, but my grasp was tight on it. I squeezed it, and blood was spilled on my fur. I smirked evilly at the touch. I leapt off a tree and threw the baby bird aside, wondering who I was going to kill next. Then, I knew who. My smirk grew wider. I teleported off using Chaos Control.

I appeared at the disgusting rabbit's house. I grimaced at its colorful sight. "It won't be for long..." I grinned. "Oh, is Sonic here?" asked Vanilla. "Oooh! I'm going to let Mr. Sonic in! This is most definitely a wonderful surprise!" said Cream. Cream opened the door and was near to horrified. "Mr...Sonic...? Why do you... have so much blood on you?..." asked Cream.

"Let's just say..." I answered. "No more Mr. Sonic." I grinned wider, and more menacingly as I marched toward Cream. "Sonic?" Vanilla screamed when she saw me. "Cream, that's not Sonic! Who are you? I'm calling the cops!" realized Vanilla. "Let them come. I'll kill them all." I answered.

"Who are you?" asked Cream. "I've taken over Sonic's body. You may call me as God, but Sonic calls me EXE." I answered. "Mr. EXE, please let go of Mr. Sonic, what did he ever do to you? He doesn't deserve this." wondered Cream innocently. I merely laughed maniacally at her response. "Sonic imprisoned me in his body... I've been dormant in his body since day one... now it's time to die pitiful rabbit!" I said.


Vanilla got in the way, and I killed her instead. Cream cried. "NOOOOO!!! MAMA!!!" cried Cream. "Such an unfortunate soul," I groaned. "Mr. Sonic, you have to fight this... this isn't you..." She said. "Mr. Sonic isn't he—" I started, but pain stabbed my head. I grunted, stumbling backwards. "SONIC— NO!!! NOT YET!!!!" I yelled, but instead of winning, I lost.

I panted from the fatigue and effort. I heard whimpering, and I looked at Cream. "Mr. Sonic? Are you—?" asked Cream. "Stay away, Cream! It's not safe! I...I...!" I warned when she tried to approach, stumbling backwards. "Mr. Sonic... What was that form?..." asked Cream. "I-I can't say! Leave me alone!" I answered, rushing off. "MR. SONIC, WAIT!" She cried but I was too far ahead to hear.

I reached a forest, where I paced back and forth with my hand on my head. "What have I done? I killed Vanilla. She didn't deserve this! It should've been me! Not her! Anyone but her! No, No, No, No, No..." I mumbled. I stayed in this position until evil laughter crossed my ears. My ears drooped as I saw Werehog, Dark, Fleetway, and EXE surround me.

"Boohoo, you killed Vanilla. The precious mother of a precious child. Boohoo-hoo-hoo." taunted Fleetway with his maniacal smirk. "Too bad, she's dead. Nice job, EXE." praised Dark. "A God's gotta do what a God's gotta do." replied EXE. "You're NOT a God, none of you are Gods, that wasn't a nice job EXE, you killed someone close to me." I corrected quietly.

"Well, you should've done it sooner. All those friends you have are just plain annoying." groaned Fleetway. Werehog growled in agreement. I trembled."N-No... THEY'RE NOT! THEY HELP ME ALL THE TIME!" I shouted. "They are. They only slow you down, and you hate slow." corrected EXE. "Just forget about them and move on. Stop doing this hero song and dance and become one with evil." persuaded Dark.

"No...NO!" I cried. "Mr. Sonic? Are you okay?" asked Cream worriedly as she approached me. She followed me. I freaked out, and backed away from her. "No! Cream, don't—!!!" I panicked. Cream gasped as my eyes turned red spiral, pure white, dark blue, and demonic red. "Mr. Sonic?! Are you okay?!" She asked, somehow still concerned about my well-being after I killed Vanilla. "Just leave me alone Cream!!!!!" I shouted. Cream gasped again.

My ears pinned back, I looked at her with complete fear as I fell over, covering my eyes with my arm so she couldn't see my suffering. "Mr. Sonic... Im not going to hurt you!" said Cream, getting closer. "I know your not, Cream, but—!! I don't know that IM not gonna hurt you!" I replied, trembling violently. "Mr. Sonic, you're scaring me! Are you okay?" asked Cream. "NO! NO IM NOT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted.

"Let me take you back home, and we'll see what's w— Sonic?!" asked Cream in shock as I teleported away using Chaos Control. At the location, I hyperventilated, my panic and stress exceeding it's limits. After a few hours, I forced myself to calm down and to stand up. I stumbled while doing so, looking back and forth to make sure no one was there. I was in a deserted island, like the Starfall Islands but no ruins or birds or nothing. It was completely silent.

What have I done?

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