Chapter 8

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They took off in the afternoon. They prayed to Chaos that Sonic would've calmed down by now and finally trusted them. Tails used his Miles Electric to find Sonic once again. Team Sonic flew around in the Tornado, hovering above the ocean. They were more talkative than the first two or three times, probably cause there was a lot to talk about. Nope, only one topic was brought up and talked about amongst the three.


That name— That name was brought up on every part of the conversation. They never strayed away from the topic, or bothered to talk about something else. They concluded the conversation once they got to the blue blur's location. "There!" alerted Tails. "It's turning nightfall. Full moon tonight." informed Knuckles, looking up into the sky seeing the change of color from sky blue to a pinkish color. "Yeah. But no time for sightseeing! We gotta go get our friend back!" said Amy. They leapt off the plane, only for Sonic to see them instantly.


"You followed me again?!" I asked. They simply nodded. "L-Look, I... I'm sorry I said those things to you guys, you shouldn't have seen me like this, I'm sorry, I— I know that I should've involved you guys and told you about this, I was stupid, I get it, I thought I could do it alone but..." I apologized. "Don't apologize. Don't even think about it, Sonic. You've been going through so much stress lately so you don't know. Id imagine that we only made it worse by following you around like lost puppies. We're sorry." explained Amy, her ears drooping.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so arrogant and secretive. You're my best friends guys. I should've let it all out to you, the stress I was going through... if I did, none of this would be happening. Vanilla wouldn't be dead and I wouldn't be suffering like this. I thought I could do it alone, but clearly I can't. I'm sorry." I explained.

"Friends again?" asked Tails. "We never stopped, little buddy." I answered. Knuckles looked upwards. "It's turning nightfall. It's a full moon tonight. Haven't seen one in a while." He alerted. I flinched. "It's a what?" I asked sternly. "Full moon. Filled to the top." answered Knuckles. "Uh..." I said. "Sonic...?" asked Tails. "Remember when I said I have four forms? Well, one of those forms I transform into on full moons..." I answered sheepishly. "WHAT?!?" They shouted. Then the transformation began. I grew claws, even more fur than I usually have, a tail, my normal azure quills turned dark blue, etc. I screamed, and the Werehog took control of me.

I roared loudly. "S-Sonic?!" asked Amy. I ran at her on all fours, scratching her. Amy screeched as Tails blasted me with his ray gun. "This form must not be able to talk." He assumed. I barked at him angrily before Knuckles rammed into me. Me and him rolled, before I bit him on the arm. "OUCH! YOU BIT ME?! AND YOU CALL ME DISGUSTING?!" asked Knuckles.  I snarled. "Hey ugly! Have a taste of this!" said Amy, hitting me with her hammer. "Amy! That's still Sonic in there! Don't hurt him severely!" warned Tails. Amy nodded while I was rubbing my head. That got me mad as I charged at her. "We aren't done! Shovel Claw!" said Knuckles as he hit me with his claws. I growled loudly at him and howled. "Argh, I don't wanna hurt him too bad! But this does no damage!" groaned Knuckles as he landed.

I snarled. I pounced at him and attempted to bite him. "Leave Knuckles alone, Sonic!" said Tails as he threw one of his gadgets at me. I caught it using my mouth and broke it using my teeth, and threw it at Tails. Amy got him out of the way, saving him from any injuries. "Thanks Amy!" He said. "Is there anyway we can get out of here with all of us LIVING?! I don't want to hurt him!" asked Knuckles below me. "I guess we just have to take that chance. Sonic would want us to live!" guessed Tails. "Finally!" said Knuckles, punching me in the gut. I howled loudly in pain and agony.

Amy hit me with her hammer, knocking me off of Knuckles. "You'll thank us later, Sonic..." said Tails softly as he blasted me with his gun. I howled and got really angry. I pounced at him, attempting to bring him down. Tails screeched as he fell unconscious with a thud. "Tails! Alright, that tears it! Time to knock some sense into him!" called Knuckles. Knuckles sucker-punched me in the ribcage with his shovel claw, and I was knocked back. I was REALLY angry now and scratched him badly on the head. Knuckles grunted in pain, being knocked unconscious from it. I turned my attention to Amy, who was frightened and dropped her anger in fright. I charged at her and in seconds, she was on the floor motionless. I howled louder than before. But the howl was interrupted by the sun rising. I transformed back into my base form.

I coughed, grasping my side in pain. "Ow, he went for the ribcage, he always goes for the ribcage..." I coughed. I gasped once I saw my friends' state. I growled angrily. "DEMONS! THEY DID THIS!" I shouted loudly. My ears drooped sadly as I calmed down. "I did this..." I said softly. "Chaos Control!" I said as I teleported away.

Once I reached my destination, I collapsed on my knees. "Oh dear Chaos... what have I done... I created these forms... and now my friends paid the price..." I sobbed. "Amy...Knuckles...Tails... I'm sorry...but I have to do this...I have to leave in order to keep you all safe..." I continued. I tore off the tracker, left it here and wrote a note to them in case they came here.

Dear friends,
I am somewhere where I can't hurt you...I apologize for everything...for hurting you...but now I am paying the price for it... you won't ever have to see me again...everyone will be safer this way...
Tails, I want you to know you are not a burden to me. You're my little brother, and what you've done, no matter how childish or unreasonable, never bothered me. I'm so proud of you little brother...keep leading the team in my place...keep doing the things I could never do...
Knuckles, if you kill anyone because of your short temper, I WILL hunt you down. You've always been a brother to me, someone I could trust to lead the team besides Tails. In my absence during Eggman's rule you took over as leader of Team Sonic. To my surprise you did better than I could've done if you were in my position.
Amy... I may have never returned your feelings before, but I do love you as a friend, no matter how crazy or obsessive you got with the persistent crush you had on me... ehehe, I will never let you forget about it, even when I'm not here. Don't kill anyone 🤣
In conclusion, I'm proud of the heroes all of you turned out to be... I'll bet you all will be happier living without me around.
From, Sonic The Hedgehog.

I let the note down and walked away from it. I stared at it for awhile before walking off, leaving my friends for good. I have to do this, even though it hurts. I can't... I can't let them be hurt again because of me. I have to do this. I have to do this. I'm protecting their lives. I'm saving them from myself. It'll be better this way...

Or so I thought...

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