Chapter 5

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Tails flew the Tornado over to the island. Everyone was quiet. EVERYONE- Amy, Knuckles, Tails... even the birds that flew nearby. There wasn't a single whisper. Why would there be? There'd be nothing to talk about. All of them were focused on getting their friend—No— their brother back to normal.

Tails was the most concerned. Nonstop he thought about Sonic. Sonic was the only thing on his mind. Sonic helped him through his dark times. Astraphobia, self-doubts, bullying... & more. He owes a lot to the Blue Blur. Without him, Tails wouldn't be the hero he is today, he'd still be stealing food without asking and being bullied for his two tails. Here's the difference between them. Tails told Sonic about his dark times, but Sonic didn't let Tails know about his.

Amy was distressed. She used to have an obsessive crush on Sonic. She'd constantly harass Sonic without rest, which clearly annoyed the fastest thing alive. She gave up on it when seeing Sonic only wanted to be friends with her. She also owes a lot to him. He inspired her to become a heroine, not just a normal girl with a hammer that she doesn't use anything for.

Knuckles was midway concerned. He wasn't as concerned as Amy and Tails, cause they've been friends with Sonic longer. He is concerned though, because Sonic was like an irritating brother to him that he'd joke around with and tease. He's not as concerned because he knows Sonic will make it through as he always does. No matter if the evil comes inside or out, Sonic will always make it through and win against it.

"Guys, we're coming up on the island that Sonic's at!" alerted Tails. Knuckles and Amy smiled brightly. "Let's get our brother back." said Amy happily. They saw Sonic leaning against a wall of the mountain, looking down without emotion. "Sonic!" said Tails.


"T-TAILS?! AMY?! KNUCKLES?!" I recognized, jumping to my feet rapidly. "Sonic, what's wrong? Cream told us everything." revealed Amy. "You shouldn't have come here," I replied. "Well you shouldn't have lied to us and said that you're fine when really it wasn't! We would've helped!" accused Knuckles. "You wouldn't understand! None of you would!" I argued. "We wanna be there for you, Sonic! Just let us!" persuaded Tails.

"Just leave me alone, guys. I've got no time for this! I'm under too much stress and I—I ... NONE OF YOU would understand." I snapped. "Then make us understand! You don't have to go through it alone. Come back with us and tell us everything!" offered Tails, lending his hand for mine. I reached out mine but at the last second, I felt a sharp pain in my body and I stumbled back. "Ngh!" I grunted. They were concerned. "Sonic?! What's wrong?! Are you—?" They started. "GO!!!!!!!!!" I cried as Fleetway took control over my body.

I laughed maniacally and smirked evilly at them. "Ahh... Sonic's pitiful friends... how nice of you to come looking for him... but now you'll soon face the consequences of having him for a friend!" I realized. I went to scratch Tails but Amy hit me with her hammer. "Sonic, you HAVE to fight this!" said Amy as I recovered. "There is only Fleetway!" I recovered, and spin-dashed her. She screamed in a painful response.

"Sonic, stop! This isn't you! You're our brother remember? We wanna help you!" said Knuckles. I growled in response. "THERE... IS... ONLY... FLEETWAY!" I repeated. I grabbed Knuckles's throat and tossed him aside. Just then Sonic started to fight. "N-NO! NOT YET! SONIC I SWEAR TO CHAOS—" I started, but it was too late. Sonic already won.

I rubbed my nose, and saw what I did. "I knew this would happen... oh dear Chaos... why!?" I asked. Amy slightly woke up before I quickly Chaos Controlled away.

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