chapter 1 the beginning

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I know I'm different, I don't know why or how but I know I am. After the stressful week that I have just had a get away is definitely in order, space is what I need so space is definitely what I am going to get. With that thought in mind I booked the last minute deal and packed my bag. Soon I was on my way to Scotland, with my condition I am unable to drive so after a very long and boring trip I was finally arriving at the cabin. Surrounded by nature but not to far away from the shops or a bus stop, it was amazing. The two bed cabin was lovely, it had a warm cozy feeling to it and just knew that I would love spending time curled up on the sofa opposite the log fire reading with a glass of wine.

Once I had unpacked and had a very late dinner, that is exactly what I did. Next thing I know I wake up with a start hearing my phone ringing. With a sigh I grab my phone to see my ex calling again, I swiftly reject his call and get up going to the kitchen to put the kettle on. Whilst making myself a cup of tea I look down at my phone to see a text from him "I wont stop calling until you answer my call". Shaking my head I decided to ignore him with that thought in mind I finished making my tea and got ready for the day. When I was ready I went exploring around the village, whilst I was busy looking at the scenery I did not see the man that was approaching me. He shouted "hey! go back to where you came from we don't need a cripple like you here", shaking my head I looked up to see the arrogant self-centered man which said this. Why is it that all the good looking ones are assholes. Short wavy long hair, baby blue eyes and a harp jawline. Oh my he even looks like he has muscles to die for, shame his personality is so poor. Responding to him I state " no thanks I like it here, oh and by the way I have a name". Seeing his jaw practically hit the floor I decide to really turn up the sarcasm and smirk at him before turning away to continue my exploration of the village, hopefully in peace.

I stumble across a cute little picnic area with benches and a playground for children, I couldn't resist so I sat down and enjoyed the sounds of children's laughter, the sway of the tree leaves as the wind pushes its way through. The stress is just melting of off me, taking my phone out I see 30 missed calls from him and another text "I will find you and make you mine!". Looking around to make sure nobody is watching me, I decided that I have to be extra careful and keep my distance from everyone. All of a sudden a howl in the distance made me jump, that howl sounded like some sort of wild animal. With that thought in mind I get up from the bench, put my phone away and start to head back home, whilst walking back memories started to play across my eyes of a happier time. A time where my ex loved me and treated me right, we where the perfect couple. Until all of a sudden he started saying weird things and acting out at me, the yelling I could of handled but the first time he raised his hand to me was also the last. That was the time were he lost me for good, I gave him a peice of my mind trashed his flat then got the hell out of there. Luckily he was drunk otherwise I doubt I would of been able to leave freely, if he finds me ... No he wont find me, and even if he does I have built up my upper body and core strength so at least I should be able to stop him taking me anywhere forcefully. Shaking myself out of these bad memories I see that I have arrived back home, deciding that I have had enough for one day. I go in and curl up on the sofa with a good book and a glass of wine. Disappearing into the world of fantasy until I fall asleep, what I did not notice was that something was watching me from my back garden window.

Waking up felt different, it's like I am fighting against my own body which wants to stay asleep curled up on the sofa... Wait I'm not curled up and don't remember the sofa being this comfy and warm. Getting more and more anxious and angry at the situation I force my eyes to open only to see a different room. This is not the cabin in which I am renting. Looking around I can see nothing which I can use as a weapon sighing in frustration I wait to gather my strength and after a few moments I can feel my strength returning to me. When I know I have enough strength to move I get up from the bed and go to the door, there are two doors one on the left which leads to what looks like a bathroom and the one on the right which is locked. Damn, this door must be the exit then. Looking around the room again I see a window, how did I miss that. Going over I check to see if it is locked, which not surprisingly it is. I do something I will regret, using my jumper sleeve to cover my hand I brake the window.

"There was no need for that", spinning around I see a giant of a man just causally standing there by the door which was locked. It is safe to say I am fuming now, attempting to remain clam I say "there is a need, when I have been kidnapped and taken to a place in which I did not agree to go to. I will be leaving now". He stared at me with his golden eyes and started to laugh, knowing that if I continue to get anymore angrier that it will happen again. I take deep breaths, even with doing this my fists are curled tightly into fists and slight shakes are starting to happen. "your funny, what is your name beautiful?" Now that was my final straw, my head snapped up and made eye contact with his. My eyes must of changed color again as he flinched, "If you refuse to let me leave you will get your arsed kicked and handed to you by a girl". With my tone of voice he knew I was not joking around with him, when he did not respond to me, I stalked towards him with the intention to get out of that damn door. When he did not move out of my way I reached out to push him, when I made skin contact with him he started yelling out in pain. Feeling more confused now than angry I looked to where my hand was placed on his arm to see his skin blistering with what I can only guess is a third degree burn. Pulling my hand back I look at the burn in shock and curse the gods or who ever is in charge up there for being born with a physical defect which means I can't run away.

Looking in his strange golden eyes again, I see fear but also admiration? Ill deal with this later, as he fell on his arse with the pain he was feeling I stepped over him and limped out of this strange house. Opening the front door I was greeted with the sight of a forest, but most importantly it was guarded by a lot of men. Who all seemed to want me to stay where I am; Just can't seem to catch a break. "hey someone may want to go check up on Mr creepy, he seemed to have had his arse handed to him by a girl... who would of thought" Saying this turns out was not the right move on my part, as half of these guys now seem to want to teach me a lesson. There is one strange thing about these guys though, they all have strangely colored eyes, gold, sliver and grey. Different shades but only these colors, whatever is happening here I am so leaving. With that thought I go to walk straight through them hoping I can burn whoever touches me to a crisp. With every step I take the guys seem to get more and more hostile, before anyone could react Mr creepy comes storming out of the house and shouts "stand down, she is the one we have been tasked to find and protect". At once the hostile guys turn into giant puppies and nod along to what Mr creepy said. "Sir she wants to leave and not sure if we want her to stay. She did hurt you and we take offense to that"

"She doesn't know what has been set in motion nor does she understand her own capabilities, so take no offense... Just don't piss her off". Mr creppy had the audacity to smile at me when he said not to piss me off, damn nerve of him. Deciding to ignore the conversations going on around me I continue to limp away when all of a sudden I am no longer surrounded by men but by animals, wolves, bears, felines ... I am now officially doomed. I mumble under my breath " I hate you universe" then I collapse. 

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