Chapter 6 The Goddess Of Love Gets Involved

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Looking through my oracle I was able to see exactly what had happened to my step father Zues, when he returned the whole place heard rumors of his curse and if he could allow that to happen then he is no longer worthy of ruling. Seeing the panic of my mother's face and her favorite daughter. I knew that they where up to no good, so I started doing my research. As it turned out Zues had planed for the goddess of fire to return to us, only to ensure she doesn't go mad like the last one. He set a test in place to ensure that her and her love where true, silly if you ask me. Nothing good comes of a test you would of thought that they would of learned that when they tried testing me! Shaking my head in disappointment. I turn to my oracle and focus on this goddess to be, seeing the orb glow brighter than ever. It shocked me when it shattered, sitting in my throne in disbelief I go to pick up a piece only to hiss in pain. Dropping the piece of glass, I examined my hand to see a burn, that can't be its impossible for the oracle to harm a celestial being. I have a bad feeling about this. Knowing I need to see what is happening, I shimmer down to the mortal world following the scent of power emitting from my step mother Hara. I stop just in time to see her and Athena threaten the poor girl who was tied to a tree by Athena's vines. Just as I was about to intervein, I overheard Hara's consequences for the mortal who refuses to undo what she did to Zues. This made me pause because if she is the mortal, she is also the future goddess of fire, tilting my head I start to imagine her in her celestial gown. Different shades of red to imitate the fire as closely as possible, with red gems holding back her luscious brown hair, and the flames dancing in those pretty green eyes of hers. The hair could use a good styling of course, and the image really did work on her. Just as I was beginning to focus on the conversation again I saw her smirk at everyone then start running... how did she get out? I really must start focusing more I thought before I tracked her, as I did remembered to peer into her heart. As the personification of love I know there is love in her heart, but I also know she has it hidden very well, well good enough to fool everyone else just not love itself. Smirking to myself I track her and the falcon? Strange animal to befriend if you ask me, all the way to a tree house.

Knowing she would not apricate me intruding I wait, after a few minutes I see the falcon emerging and flying off somewhere. Knowing this is my chance I shimmer up there only to see this mortal in some kind of trance, we can't have this. Placing my hand gently on her head I whisper in the ancient language of the gods a spell which will allow me to see and hear everything she does, when I am done a cloud of shimmering smoke appears directly above where she lays. Once the cloud settles the image inside becomes clearer until I can see and hear everything that she is, she must of bonded with the falcon to be able to do this. As I can see the clouds soaring past them, even hear the wind rushing past, this is very strong magic. Hearing the passionate words of this Mr. creepy I look down and see tears cascading down the Rachel's face, knowing what I have to do. I wave my hand and the magic cloud disappears only leaving a light dusting of what would appear to be glitter to the human eye. Getting up I say my goodbyes to her before shimmering to that quaint little tree I saw in her trance, when I got there I walked right in.

Knowing that these two where likely to attack first and ask questions later I froze them saying "sorry lovelies but I think you where after my help, I am the goddess of love and we have a lot of work to do." Looking at these mortals I saw the confusion on their faces so I took a chance and unfroze them, "what do you mean?" demanded Mr. creepy. "if we don't find a way to reunite you with your love she will lose her ability to love. That's not even the hardest part we can't change her destiny the only way forward is for her to accept this and choose you, if she fights to keep your love then and only then will there be a chance of you being her chosen soulmate. I must warn you though love is messy and it can hurt, she will need your unbreakable love to survive what I believe is come. If your love is not true you both shall perish, and at that point there will be nothing love can do to help you. Only you two hold the power the succeed in this." The flacon then looked at me sternly and said "the curse, the others will want to seek reputation for what she did. How do we even know what you say is the truth?" Smiling gently I respond "love does not lie, and there is no curse. I was close friends with someone who used to have the same abilities as your friend, and what she did wasn't a curse it is a reminder. Something one does to help a child see the correct path and make amends for the wrongdoing they have committed. It is not permanent; the other gods and goddess will come to this conclusion once Zues has been through this and came out the other end. They do not trust me so I can be of no help in smoothing out any ruffled feathers there lovies." "what is to come?" demanded Mr Creepy shaking my head with a sad smile all I could bring myself to say is "dark times lay a head of her and only she can get through them. Her light will be you but if your love falters even for a minute not even I know what path she could go down." Seeing the determination in both of these mortals faces I explained what the pendant will do, "this will allow you to send loving thoughts to her. Reminding her that you are always there and in return, you will also be able to hear and sometimes even see. Depending on the strength of your love what she is facing." Handing the stone like pendant to him, he reaches out to take it. When his hand touches the pendant a brilliant white light emits from his hand going into the stone, I can see some resistance like there is a wall that this white light is struggling to go through. Urging him to keep contact with the stone and focus on his love the wall that was once there turned a bright red before it dissolved. The once round grey stone is now split in half, half of it is red and the other half is white. Smiling I pick up the white section, looking at his face I say "it is done, your energy may be drained for a few hours. I will ensure this gets to your love and stays with her. Remember keep your half with you at all times and when she calls, don't hesitate go and find her." He must of seen the seriousness on my face as he grabbed a bit of lace and connected it to his red stone, tying it around his neck. Nodding my head I turn to leave the mortals ready for the next challenge.

After existing the house I place the stone in both of my hands and caste two different spells one to allow me to hear and see what is happening around her and an invisibility spell. This spell is unique no one and I mean no one can detect it other than myself. The previous god of fire taught me this, we used to use this to communicate with each other so no one would be able to hear what we where up to. With this thought in mind and a smile on my face I shimmer to find her. I reappeared behind a tree close to where she was resting, she looks so peaceful I thought, before I could get side tracked I mumbled one last spell. Whilst doing this spell I knelled on the ground so I could channel the earths dormant power. I would certainly need the help, the white stone started floating above my hand and then floated over to her. Resting on her inner wrist the stone turned into liquid and dissolved into her skin forming a beautiful tattoo which only she will be able to see as she holds power within herself, this power now has an outlet as soon as she understands its meaning. With a shaky breath I add one last detail inside the white circle is a pair of golden eyes. Knowing this will provide her with a sense of hope, with a shaky smile I clumsily get up from the ground and before I pass out I shimmer off to my place and sleep before I collapse from sheer exhaustion. 

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