Chapter 7 Suitors Have Devine Help

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The chieftain after throwing that spear and missing glared at the flacon with disgust and swore he would rescue that insanely stubborn woman and show her that he is the man for her. A man with honour. Taking a deep breath he turned around and went to those god damn traps to rescue those idiots who got out witted by her, seeing the six foot deep hole or a man dangling in the tree tops by there ankles would always cause a small chuckle to escape, much to there annoyance. Once the guardian and the werewolf was free we had a discussion about teaming up to locate and keep her in the same place. The werewolf and thee guardian quickly agreed as they where getting fed up of her games. "we should include the other suitors. Having you all in one place to win her over will be a positive thing especially as she can only make this decision once she has met all of you." Stated Jack, before anyone could respond Hara appeared in a flash and Hades appeared in a black smoke. "this is Zues's suitor Andy he is a warrior of the sky's" turning towards him I appraised him and scoffed the werewolf had the same opinion as me on this one, he was a skinny boy not a man. Hades then said "my suitor will not be joining this little team, when the time is right she will find him" with a smirk on his face Hades then smoked out. Andy came forward and asked where the women was, after explaining what happened with disgust, he looked towards the sky's and nodded his head. "I can track her". Before he had chance to elaborate Hara said "no, I will take you all to her. Then it is up to you three suitors and the guardian to keep her in one place. We will no longer place her game but she will play ours. Men one of you will win her heart! Or you will face my wrath and don't mistaken me I am just as bad as my husband when he is angry." Waving her hand there was a shimmer of magic around all of us, and a very uncomfortable feeling of being pulled apart before it all stopped. Looking around we all spotted her rather quickly asleep under a tree, everyone reacted at once and sprang into action. Andy was the first one to get to her and find some rope to tie her ankles together with. When he touched her he looked confused for a moment before continuing his task, once done he turned his head to the side and said "we need a secure location to bring her to." The wolf responded "my pack is close by, we have excellent trackers and the territory is guarded day and night she wont be able to get off without permission from the Alpha." Quickly agreeing with him we headed to the wolf pack, with Rachel dangling over Andy's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Don't want to be him when she wakes up.

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