Chapter 10 Moon Power

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Getting up I turn to see Andy watching me, with a sigh I start to pace around my campsite thinking about my next move. I know I will have to show up, but I still need a game plan. Zues got through the spell I put on him so he should of learnt his lesson by now. After the meeting I was just in I now know that this is not the case. Feeling like I could pull my hair out in frustration I decide to sit back down and look at the flames in my camp fire. Fire now seemed to calm me down, taking a few deep breaths the only thing I concentrate on is the fire. Everything else, my worries, frustrations they just disappear. In the distance I could hear whispering, this is what broke me from my meditation, snapping my head in the direction of the whispering. I stand up and glare in that direction. Whoever it is is in for hell, or so I thought.

Just as I thought that the whispering stopped all together and the only thing I could hear was the sound of mine and Andy's breathing. The tricks I have learnt though out my encounters with creatures could not have prepared me for what was coming, before it was to late I made a drastic decision. I ran across the campsite and untied Andy, before they could get here I pulled him close and whispered threadedly in his face "harm my friends and next time I will leave you to a fate worse than death itself." Andy looked confused for a moment before he caught site at what was stalking me, he went deathly pale and before he could say or do anything I used the fire within and smoked him somewhere else. I was aiming for the forest he was chasing me in but this is the first time I've done this. So who knows where he ended up. Oh well I have bigger things to worry about.

Turning around with a bloody good poker face I saw the dragons. Dragons don't worship the gods however they are very prideful creatures and I have a tendency to annoy the living daylights out of everyone, including them. Now they do have a set of rules that they live by, but if your not one of them and you break every single rule then they will hunt you to the end of time. What they do to you well I have no idea as they haven't been able to catch me since their hunt began. Looking at them I couldn't help but admire their forms many people faint or even scream from fear when they see a dragon, I don't know why they are fine creatures. Scales all different shades of colors blending into a beautiful although deadly sea of colors. Truly amazing if you ask me.

What did confuse me is that they like to attack from the sky, not waddle through the forest where they are more vulnerable. Standing there thinking things through, I noticed that the dragons where letting someone through the circle they think they have trapped me in. The man they let though I have no idea who he is but what he did shocked me, placing one fist over his heart he knelt in front of me and said "goddess of the flame, goddess of justice, we have come too pledge ourselves to you for you are our goddess." Holly hell, I can not have followers, nope it will not happen I have already pissed off one to many gods when I only wanted to teach the almighty prick a lesson! "stand up, is this the reason that you dragons have been hunting me?" I ask in expiration, the dragon who is still kneeling nods his head but other wise stays where he is. Looking to the other dragons I see their massive forms in a bow. Not knowing what to do is extremely frustrating. "We will keep following you to the ends of time, the only way we will stop is if death takes us." "why are you still knelling stand up," hearing the command in my tone must of worked as they all stood up. The man in front of me must be their leader, looking him directly in the eyes I could feel a connection forming it was like my fire was calling to his, to all of these dragons. Well damn there is only one thing I can't deny which is my own fire. Shaking my head I demand "what is your name?" to the man standing in front of me. He smiles and simply says "whatever you want it to be, us dragons do not have names unless our soulmates give us one." Nodding in understanding I ask "you're the leader of the dragons?" he nodded his head. "I do not wish to change your customs but there must be something I can call you instead of him surly". He thought for a moment and then stated simply "clan master", this time I nodded my head. "well clan master I apricate you and your dragons pledging yourselves to me however I do not have the time to guide you lot. I am in the middle of life crisis here and there is no room for anymore drama." Turning away from the clan master I move to weave in between the dragons to leave as it is nearing 8am, when the clan master shocked me again. "We know about your situation and have to come to help, we want nothing in return only to help you get your justice. Like you have given us". I stopped mid step, I knew where I had met this clan master from now; turning I looked at him and then I noticed the scars. Yes the boy I saved from the death sentence just for having some fire, for being different. Feeling nostalgic now I nod my head at the clan master in respect, looking at the dragons he brought along made me start thinking. "I will not need all of your help, I appreciate you offering it though." The clan master and two of the other dragons shifted to their human forms and the rest took off to the sky's with a roar that shock the earth. Smiling at the sight I just witnessed, feeling free for just a moment. However all good things must come to an end, the ice cold feeling appeared from the moon bracelet so I knew I was late. Not wanting these dragons to know the pain that I was feeling I simply said "wait for me here, I will be back soon." Then I smoked out of there appearing in the center of the protector's maze of houses. I saw Luna standing in the clearing waiting for me.

When I got to her the ice cold feeling in my vains stopped, only to be replaced with another feeling of dread but most of all annoyance. She brought her suitors along. With a ice cold glare directed towards everyone, I observed the crowd in front of me. "welcome Rachel, please do not glare at your suitors. These fine men are shifters who worship the moon, you have the wolf Alpha, centaur clan master as well as the feline alpha shifter." As Luna spoke each suitor bowed when their titles where said, "the power of the moon is extensive the power I put in that locket which you broke can be used for a lot of different purposes. So the begin with we shall try telepathic communication as well as summoning." Luna said this whilst looking at me, so I just simply stared right back at her. These are parlor tricks which I have already experimented with, feeling annoyed that she wants to test me out. I came up with a plan just to see if I can do this, focusing on my fire as well as finding the inner moon power. Closing my eyes I focused within I could picture the fire and find that core easily. Picturing the moon and the clear white surface I feel the power, going even deeper I manage to find the core of the power. Bringing this power forward and closer to my fire I try to meld the two together, at first the fire within roared in protest. Calming the fire down with my thoughts and calm breathing I bring the moon power closer to the fire again, merging the two together felt euphoric. The power of the moon was no longer dormant within me, the power helped to calm the fire as well as bring it to life when I need it. Opening my eyes I could see the shifters inching their way towards me, it was like they could sense something. They where right in this case, smirking at them I look down at the bracelet of the moon and simply take it off my wrist. "lesson complete and finished Luna." I said simply with a smirk handing her back the bracelet seeing her shocked expression made me chuckle. Shaking my head at her I smoked out of there and back to my camp with the three dragons. 

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