chapter 14 my dragons power

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When they both left me in the clearing in the woods I was very angry and confused about what I had just witnessed. I know she has an unwilling tie to someone; I hope its not another man. Stretching out my wings remembering the feel of her grabbing them to get on my back, I took off into the sky's flying back to my home. It is built with stones that where painted grey to help it camouflage from others as well as giving my the height which I could watch the others making sure they abide by the rules. With a sigh I landed on the ledge and allowed my human counterpart to take control of our form.

Now that I'm back on two legs I enter my home and go straight to the library, I will figure this out for her. When I go inside I see my parents cuddling with each other on the sofa in front of a roaring fire. That will be me one day I decide, backing up out of the room to give them privacy my mother states without turning around "come here now we have to talk" holding my head up high I causally approach them and sit in the opposite chair to them. Looking at them you wouldn't even dream that they live contentedly just relaxing now that they have both retired, but no they like to give me surprise visits. When I sit down I look at both of my parents in the eye until my mother stood from the sofa and approached me with eyes a blaze with her own fire. In response to this I called my fire closer to the front but not enough for my parents to see. My mother is the most gentle person but she is also emotional so when she gets angry its best to nod and agree with her; she is defiantly angry at me at this point and I don't know why. "How dare you close down our borders, you know how your father and me worked so hard for others to see us instead of the monsters they thought us to be!" With her hands up in the air she turns to my father telling him to speak up or they will be consequences. I winced a little knowing some of her consequences as I saw a little. My father then motioned for my mother to sit down and attempt to calm down, he then turned to me. "you are to let those men into our lands, unless you sense a threat which could result in our people get hurt?" he was now out right glaring at me. I now they wouldn't hurt out people but they are a danger to have knowing that is one of the things that are a danger to her. Glaring right back up to my father and standing so he wasn't looking down at me I spat "I will not let those men through they are a danger to my female so the guards are to remain where they are!" I roared at him my eyes a blaze with my fire just there do to my command. I knew he wouldn't back down so I just had to stand my ground glaring at him straight in the eyes. Showing I would not back down to him, now that his mother was watching him and his father locked in a war, my son cant back down as he is in charge of our people now and his father cant because that would embarrass him. Shaking her head she stood up from the sofa and brought her own fire to this nonsense with my hands fully ablaze she approached the men who didn't see her coming. She placed her ablaze hands on both of their faces, they quickly jumped back for each other and looked shocked that I reputed.

When everyone sat down again his mother got to the heavy stuff quick. "your female?" is all she asks me. With a huff I slouch back on the chair and looked for some patience; before looking back at them. "she is beautiful and has a lot of confidence and skill. I don't know much about her she is in our lands to get help to control her own fire, I saw her and knew that she was my female. Those men you wanted me to let in are after her; she is running from them. She hasn't even met me yet she is always with him my dragon. He has also met her fire bird as she calls it. She is a phoenix." His parents both looked at him shocked by what he has just told them. Taking the moment of peace to gather his own thoughts, who has bound themselves to her unwillingly? Deep in thought himself he didn't hear what his father said, shaking his head he looked sheepishly to his father who cracked a small smile. He then repeated himself saying "a phoenix is very rare I haven't heard of them for many many years. In fact I believe there is a book in the library that may help answer some of your questions. Now does she know who you are?" he questioned me all I could do was shake my head, she doesn't know that I am the king of the dragons. Not knowing how to tell her this as I don't want to scare her off. His father looked at him disappointedly. With a huff I ended this pointless conversation and got up ready to leave, with a last look at his parents he then went in search of this book his father spoke of.

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