chapter 13 fire training with my dragon

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with a sigh I look upon Applo's meadow for the last time breathing in the fresh crisp air bracing myself for the next round with these gods. How I wish they would leave me alone. With a sad look upon my face I maintained eye contact with the sun god letting him see for once what they had done to me. Shaking my head sadly I prepare to smoke out of his clearing back onto dragons land.

When I was back I went straight to the woods to be alone. At this time I remember what that dragon said to me "use my strength". Not knowing how to do that I huffed in annoyance. I climbed up a tree deciding the trees would protect me from any watching eyes. When I got to the top my mind began to wounder, when would I get to see that dragon again and how that fire bird soared out of me like a dam bursting only with fire and not water. Looking out at the dragons land I could see log cabins nestled within the woods its self. I could even see a small village center which is definitely new. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the dragon. Looking directly at him I pointed to the ground, I think I saw a nod acknowledging my request. So I climbed hastily down the huge tree I had just climbed and walked to the nearest clearing.

When I cleared the tree line I saw the dragon. Looking at him, I could tell he was huge and strong holding his head up high; his scales are black and shiny reflecting the first light of the day. I knew he knew I was checking him out, he let out a huff; which I think is dragon language for laughing. Shaking my head I approached him, when I was in front of him he layed down so his head was the same height as mine.

"what did you mean that I could use your strength? How do I do this?" I calmly asked him. He seemed puzzled by my question seemingly thinking I should already know this answer. When he didn't reply I crossed my arms and glared at him clearly saying I'm waiting. He seemed to shake his head before looking at me stating " look within yourself for a trace of fire which is not your own. Feel it out, close your eyes and concentrate. When you have found it let your self tell it what to do. Command it if you will and my fire will respond to you." With a nod if my head I close my eyes, letting myself feel the fire coursing within my veins looking for something different. My fire was a blaze of rich red. Out of the corner of my minds eye I saw something different. It was a ribbon of red with a tinge of blue to it, it was beautiful. I grabbed hold of it only for it to slip past my fingers, huffing in frustration I tried again and again failing to hold onto his fire inside of me. Opening my eyes I looked at the dragon in pure frustration, he seemed to understand my problem. "come let me show you the difference of my flame." With that he knelt down even lower looking at me intently. "you want me to get on your back?" when he simply nodded. I weighed my options out not sure if I want to take another risk today, but if I don't then I loose this bit of knowledge which I may need one day. Sighing I looked at how big he was not sure how to climb up his sides to his back. I'm sure he was laughing now because his whole body seemed to vibrate. With another huff I launched myself up his side holding onto his scales until I got safely on his back. This time I was huffing from the effort that was needed just to get on his back; man this dragon was huge. Once I was settled I found some more scales to hold onto knowing he was probably going to fly us somewhere. In just a second he was off the wind was soaring through my hair, in this moment I felt something I thought id never feel again. Freedom. I saw the skyline and part of me just wanted to carry on flying anywhere but being stuck here. I could tell where the dragons land started because I could see tendrils of smoke from burnt out fire pits and tents. Please don't tell me the suitors are staking out the dragons land waiting for me to leave. With a heavy heart I remember what this dragon was meant to show me. Shaking my head slightly I was wondering how I was meant to hear this dragon over the soaring of the wind as we flew higher and higher up. When we passed the clouds he slowed down but still maintaining the height which he was currently at. Looking around it was very peaceful up here.

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