chapter 12 Power of the sun

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I came to a field with the sun hanging high in the sky, the ground is covered with bright green grass every now and then you could see a few daisy's growing it looked like we where in the deep countryside just seeing the landscape and the wild flowers. It looked beautiful breathing in deeply I knew things where going to go wrong. Opening my eyes I saw Applo entering the field with a smile that could light up every room he is in. when he got to me his smile got so bright it was obscuring my eye sight to the extent that it was difficult to actually see him. I tried to keep eye contact with him for as long as I could, failing to out last him I avoided his gaze and attempted to cover my eyes with my hands. Just light that the sun light went back to normal; when I re looked at him he was still smiling and my response to that was to glare at him. Chucking he finally spoke " well done on getting here on time I really didn't want you to feel that icy feeling again." Looking away from me he continued to speak "you've just seen a little bit of the suns power. Now you wont be able to use it to my abilities but still enough where you could do some damage. When you entered the field what did you feel?" turning to look at me expecting a response when I didn't give one. He shook his head and looked at the same tree line he appeared from, there was two people walking towards him. Ah must be the suitors would be even better if I could analyze them now, there was just one problem I couldn't see them. The bright light was shielding them from my eye sight. Damn I was not best pleased with this, when I couldn't see that's when I know they have the upper hand and I'm out powered here; they knew this to.

With a aggravated sigh I looked at Applo and answered his original question "peaceful warm and protected". He held his hand out to the suitors and they stopped obediently waiting for their next command. Whilst still looking at me "use those feelings to create your own light, the light you produce will be enough to shield there light enabling you to see crystal clear." Now this is a hard one for me as I have not felt this in all of my years. Trying to focus was a lot harder than I thought it would be. After hours of trying I still couldn't produce this light. Huffing in anger now I focused harder than I had ever focused and I felt something working. The sun might be powerful but there are different levels of powerful. Using my anger this time I focused on the light. The sun high up in the sky being relentless in the heat it produces it reminds me of the heat a fire produces, and with that thought a small red light begins to consume my eyes, the fire felt like it protects me so I pushed myself further. The red finally consumes my eyes so I could see the 3 men stood there looking at their god and looking at me with great intent. At this point I could feel a wetness under my nose. Using my sleeve I wiped my nose. Looking back at my sleeve I saw the bright red color; it was my own blood. In shock I turned to Applo seeing his stunned reaction I did what I did best. I left.

Reappearing in the dragons land I sat down in a tree breathing deeply, I felt so drained I nearly forgot about my training with the clan master this morning. With that I jumped out of the tree and started walking to the training grounds for my first lesson.

When the clan masters house came into view I braced myself for another hard day. I could see him standing outside in the field where I saved his son. When he locked gazes with me I could see the anger. He stomped his way over to me and hissed "you wanted protection and yet you knock out the guard which was protecting you! Explain yourself now!" oh dear im in trouble, but I cant tell him about the gods and their hold on me. He isn't trustworthy yet, but I need to think of something to tell him or else he wont teach me control and with the extra powers I have they all link into my fire making it very challenging to control. I cant be seen as weak or they will eat me alive. Looking at him I decide to tell him as much as I can without giving much away. Fingers crossed that this works.

" I am very sorry about that, I have commitments I literally cant get out of. These have nothing to do with you or how well you can protect me. It is a very private matter, I promise I will not harm anyone during the days." I see him shaking his head at me. But surprisingly he left it at that. Or so I thought, whilst training he was brutal throwing fire balls at me. Now I am very good at dodging objects thrown my way and for the first part I was until the rules changed. He looked calculated in his throws but then out of no where I feel a burning pain on my back; spinning around I saw a great big fire wall. If I wasn't scared before I am definitely scared now. He wanted me to unleash my fire that I knew, its what I wanted to do to fully understand the fire within me. Seeing this fire wall approaching me I took a deep breath and unleashed the fire within. With a yell I saw my own fire take shape of a bird, there fiery wings swooping down to encase me. Protecting me from the fire wall completely. My own fire screeched and sored through the remains of the fire wall and took flight. Soring through the air creating its own fiery trails. It stopped mid flight when we heard a thundering roar. Soring back down to me the wings encased me once again. Once obscured from view I heard a conversation between my fire bird and the dragon. The dragon roared once again and I'm sure by now my teacher had left. " my phoenix has finally arose from ashes" he spoke almost softly for a huge and dangerous looking dragon. My fire bird went to respond when out of nowhere two different vines of fire connected my bird to the dragon as well as myself and the dragon. Looking confused at these vines which seem to be connecting us together; my fire bird screeched back at the dragon "we are not connected I will not accept anyone who may harm my human. I have lived inside her all of her life, you are not deserving of us." "my pheniox, you do not know my human counterpart he is worthy we are worthy, no harm will come to either of you I promise" he huffed out at us. With no response from the fire bird he crouched down to my height and blew fire at me. It looked like a ribbon circling me. He huffed out "little one take some of my strength use it as you will." The pheniox watched closely to ensure her humans safety, after listening to what he huffed out the pheniox encased her human within her claws and took flight.

When waking up, I felt like I had run a marathon all of my muscles where screaming at me to not move and just rest. Opening my eyes and finally sitting up I looked around. I was in a middle of a field laying in the middle of a large scorched mark on the ground. Rubbing the back of my neck in confusion as to how I got here and what happened. The only thing I could remember was the beginning of her fire control lesson. Shaking my head I managed to stand up and take a proper look around, yes I was in a field but I could detect that someone was out there watching me intently. I could feel it, with caution now I scanned my surroundings and took note on my power strength, and it must be my lucky day as I felt ok enough to smoke out of here. Just as I was smoking out I caught sight of two eyes looking at me with admiration and love. I think, surely not. Shaking my head thinking I imagined it and got out of there.

Bad news was that I arrived back in that field with the sun. groaning I was not in the mood for this training at this moment in time. When Appllo arrived there was no conversation just a nod of his head and yet again using the suns energy I had to shield my eyes from his light. This time however I could do this easily. Feeling surprised at this, I masked my surprise to confidence. Wrong move on my part im sure. Looking straight in his eyes he indicated for me to look across the field and now and behold it was the suitors standing their again. Now I felt annoyed, Applo indicated for them to approach. Now I could see them I wish I hadn't, they where all handsome yes, but I could read their body language. They weren't here for a friendly meet up no they where here to win the bet between the gods. To gain my love. With a grunt from myself I shook my head and gave all of them an evil look. Applo must of seen this as he smirked. When they finally reached us Applo spoke. "now she has mustered how to shield and look upon us we have to teach her how to harness this for other uses as well." The power of the sun can be gently and comforting as well as harsh with the power to dehydrate any living thing. If it contains water I can use the sun to get rid of this. We all know that as humans we are about 80% water so this could come in handy in the future for me.

It took me a lot longer to master the power of the sun but I did complete this. After a month I was able to dehydrate plants which killed them, summing my own fiery red light to shield and attack.                    

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