Chapter 9 Powers

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With a sigh of relief that my friend was ok, I then focused my attention to what I had just done. Something that was deemed as impossible I had done. I had overridden a gods will, bent it to my will and destroyed it. The power in the pendent had to of gone somewhere, just where did it go? Deciding to worry about that for another day I then turned my thoughts to the sky worrier I have tied up. In hindsight I probably shouldn't of brought him here, but cant change the past. Getting up I walk back to my camp site and sit down opposite Andy and just study him. "how did you that? How did you get your hands on these ropes!?"

"your asking the wrong questions" I responded calmly "what you should be asking is what I am going to do with you now I have you here, all alone. In a place which no one has been able to find". That seemed to have shut him up, so I lay down and decided I'll deal with him in the morning.

Waking up felt very strange, almost like I didn't want to wake up. Damn I know this feeling I'm being summoned by a god again! Opening my eyes I see the main gods at the table just like the first time I was brought here, the only difference is that Zues the almighty wasn't present. Looks like he hasn't learnt his lessen yet then... oh well. Looking around the table I can see lots of angry faces expect Hades god of the underworld. He looked intrigued and almost happy to see me again. Leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms I waited for someone to speak. After five minutes of everyone glaring at me I finally spoke, calmly "ok I know you all hate me minus you" I pointed at Hades. "but I don't want to be here as much you lot don't want me to be here. So lets get to the point so I can leave shall we?" With a boomig laugh Hades spoke "I like you, but you really do make your life hard don't you?" I just shrugged my shoulders in response. "undo what you have done to my husband!" Hara demanded, I just looked at her and shock my head "I haven't done anything bad to that prick, all I have done is to make sure he learns from his mistakes. If he wasn't as stubborn as he is, he would be back to his normal annoying self and at this damn meeting now." Hara huffed in annoyance and was about to retort something sarcastically I'm sure before Apllo god of light spoke ensuring Hara didn't have a chance to say anything else on the matter. "what we should be discussing is what Rachel has just done with that locket that was placed on her by Hara and the goddess of the hunt". I only smirked at this comment, knowing full well that what I did I shouldn't have been able to do. The only concerning thing is that Hades was now smirking as well, giving him a very evil look. Not good. Goddess of the moon Luna then spoke "What has been done we cant undo, but we do need to inform Rachel of the full extent of what she has done and the consequences of her actions." Although she said this very calmly I got a very bad feeling now. And as she continued talking that feeling quickly got worse. "The power that was placed into that pendant as we all know contained a little bit of all of our magic. Now that the shell has been broken by Rachel's own hands she should know that the power in that pendant has been released, as well as absorbed. By her." Damn, No not again. I started shaking my head hoping that Luna doesn't say what I think she is going to say next. "As a result of this happening she now needs to learn to control this power and as we are the only ones who know how to control our own gifts we will have to teach her."

"NO!" I jumped up out of my seat and shouted at them. Looking enraged I'm sure, but inside I know they have the power to contain me someplace without my consent. So I'm pretty scared right about now. Before I could get the chance to get the hell out of there ropes of lightening bolts appeared out of no where and tied me to the chair. Glaring at these ropes I set my hands on fire and try and burn them off, only it wasn't working. They where to powerful, wait lightening... damn now I'm in big trouble. Looking towards the head seat in anger I see a smirking Zues. Slumping in my chair I grumble "yay the arse hole has finally arrived".

"now Rachel that wasn't very nice now was it", oh he is so condescending I would do anything to wipe that smirk of his face right about now. The only reason we are in this bloody mess is because of his damn wife after all. Oh and him for meddling when he shouldn't of meddled! With a red hot fiery glare directed at him and him alone, I wait. There is always an out I just have to wait long enough to find one. When he relised all I was going to do was glare he turned to his fellow gods and started talking about me. The check of him! Talking about me like I'm not even here. "we will need to contain her whilst we instruct her on how to safely use her new power" Zues stated. Hara quickly agreed whilst saying "if we contain her, why not include the suitors. She can't escape which gives the suitors a fair chance of winning her heart. For once." Oh hell no. Apllo then replied " why not, after being contained by the god or goddess and there suitors she can then decide which one she chooses as her soulmate". So I have time to escape if I play along? Learn new tricks and out whit the gods at the last possible moment. It could work I thought but then I would have to get to know the suitors which I have no intention of doing. I must of zoned out for the rest of the discussion as now all sets of eyes where on me. It's a good thing I have a good poker face. Without me saying a word Zues spoke "it is settled Rachel shall spend time contained in each god/ goddess's place of their choosing until she has mastered there power which was bestowed onto the pendant starting the Luna, Apollo, Myself and Hara and ending with Hades." Before I could say a word Zues snapped his fingers and four bracelet's appeared on my right wrist. Each one a specific color which can be interpreted for each god/ goddess. Luna goddess of the moon a clear white bracelet, Apollo god of the sun a golden bracelet, Zeus and Hara a sliver bracelet designed to look like lightening and finally Hades a black bracelet. Tugging at these bracelet's I quickly came to the conclusion that no matter how hard I tugged or how hot my flames got I couldn't get them off. I was in for hell, strangely enough I wasn't worried about any of these pesky gods, but Hades had something up his sleeve. Something I knew wasn't going to be good or even beneficial for me. I had to play this smart. I had to play their games and come out the winner.

Luna stod up from her chair and was just about to snap her fingers before I spoke, "if you do this then Andy the sky warrior wont last to see the week". All four set of eyes snapped to me, I now had some power in the conversation. About time to. "you bluff" Zues stated, "try me" was the only response he got off me. He looked towards Luna and she sat back down in her chair. "what do you want this time Rachel" Zues asked in a tone in which I haven't heard since I was a child. "If you want to see Andy alive and well then you wont contain me anywhere, you set a time and location for each training session, allowing me to come and go at the end of the session." "How will we know you will turn up to each of these sessions!" Exclaimed Hara, "because if she doesn't her mobility will be restored to what it once was" stated Zues. "we had a deal Zues, I have yet to break my end of the deal. You are not allowed to hold that over my head." I seethed at him, "I will turn up because I said I will, you will just have to take me on my word!" by now my red eyes where so bright they would have burned these idiots to ash if they where normal human/ creatures. "Ok Rachel, the protector's place. You shall go there for every training session, whether it be by me, Hara or any of the gods present here today. If you fail to show ..." the bracelets then started to go ice cold, now I can handle the cold. However this cold I could feel in my veins quenching the fire I have within. The pain was excoriating, nodding my head in agreement. The pain stopped. "tomorrow at 8:00am Luna will expect to see you there, do not be late." Zues said this then snapped his fingers and I was back in my campsite.

Damn I never wanted to go back there ever again. Looking down at my wrist I could clearly see the bracelets so there was no way I could convince myself that, what I went through was nothing but a bad dream. Sighing to myself I knew I would see him, and I would have to put on a show to the whole world that I didn't care. I just hope the gods will forget about this suitor nonsense, they probably wont but its good to have hope I guess. 

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