Chapter 5 The reunion

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Stepping back from my friend, I make eye contact only for my smile to disappear when I see the concerned look in her eyes. Sighing I explained every to her, by the time I finished explaining it was pitch dark outside and to say she was impressed with what I had done she was also sad because instead of controlling my anger like she thinks I should of. I taught Zues a lesson resulting in me not seeing him ever again, its now to dangerous. If the suitors got wind of this they would most probably kill him. Afterall if he's dead he cant pose as a threat to their supposed title, shaking my head at the thought I lie down and just star blankly at the sky. My friend noticing my mood waves her hand and a projection of our first meeting is playing across the roof top, as my mood lightened the projection changes. My memories of meeting him in secret are now playing, the first time his color changed to a beautiful fiery red is my favorite. I know he is not my soulmate but if given the chance we could of became each others, I know and believe this to be true. Now we will never know, he is forever lost to me. With a sad smile on my face and tears running down my checks, I send a silent thought his way. Using the last of my available fire I send my love and my goodbyes to him, wishing him a lifetime of happiness which can't be with me. Gathering all of these thoughts and messages I place them in the only sentimental object I possess, the bracelet he made for me. Caressing it gently for one last time I bring it closely to my lips and seal in my messages with a kiss. Looking at the now glowing red bracelet, silently crying I hand it over to my friend. She nods her head and gets up to leave, before she transforms whilst looking out at the stars she says "I wish I could bring him happier news Rach, but perhaps I could provide you with some closure." Taking a deep breath before she continues, "there is a way for you to see him through my eyes just this once. I warn you though once we bond that closely, if the flacon misses you or needs your assistance she will call to you through this link; I am granting you this you will accept it." she said firmly before mumbling something and then taking off in flight. Hoping she wouldn't do this as it would only cause me more pain, I close my eyes.

In my mind's eye I can see the clouds, hear the winds rushing past but most importantly I can see the horizon. Knowing what is happening and knowing that this first time means no communication with her or her falcon I sit back and enjoy the view and sensations, until I see our secret hide away. Just beyond the clearing, is the tree. In the base of this tree is a well disguised door which leads to a small room just big enough for a small fire and some blankets to sleep on, it was his idea to make this hideaway and with a bit of my fire I was able to make a good ventilation system to dispose of the smoke is a discrete way that others cannot track back. Watching through her eyes I can see and feel the jolt of her landing before the weird sensation of transforming occurs. Its like I am being covered by a thousand warm blankets, the heavy and uncomfortable warmth only lasts for a second before she is back on two legs gliding towards the tree. I can feel her take a steadying breath and mumbling "here we go." Then she enters, I haven't been back in so long. I silently beg her to look around so I can see everything one last time and to my surprise she does just that. I see the fire is all ready to be lit, fresh kindling is piled up by the door and the blankets are in a neat pile in the corner. The main difference is that he has developed his artistic talents and drawn picture of our best moments together, he has hung these up in the base of the tree. It's beautiful, especially one of them as I see it's a picture of two shadows, you can clearly tell one is male and the other is female. They are kissing and in the background is a sunset, tears are coming to my eyes just seeing it. all of a sudden I hear a cough and my friends attentions get distracted. She turns her sight to the left and see's him. His golden eyes that I used to find so creepy causes me to cry, in the back of my mind I know I'm not actually here but seeing him up close just hits to close to home right now. Focusing on what my friend is saying "Hello, we have a mutual friend. She has asked me to give this to you, in it contains a special message meant only for your ears." In a flash he demanded "who are you and how did you get this!" his golden eyes where flaming hot almost as bright as the sun. I could feel myself laughing at his reaction but I knew that if my friend doesn't prove to him that she is an ally then he will kill her. Thinking about his old nickname I pray that she gets the hint, luckily for her she says "is that anyway to treat a friend Mr Creepy?" Hearing his old nickname he steps back and whispers "you know her", after gaining his baring's he takes a deep breath saying. "This is from her?" I can feel my friend nod her head in confirmation, without hesitation he picks up the fiery red bracelet brings it to his lips and places a kiss on it. That was all it needed to unlock the messages and thoughts I placed in it, watching him in his dazed state I saw the tears fall from his now dimming eyes. I could almost see his heart breaking whilst he listened to what I had to say, when the messages ended the bracelet locked itself up. "she wanted you to know that, the messages wont fade over time and that she means every word that you heard. Please treasure this bracelet as I know she has treasured it." Turning to leave he replied "what is your name?" Knowing this is a touchy subject for my friend as she was never given a name, and wouldn't take any that I suggested. I wasn't sure about how she would react, seeing him come back into her ling of sight. "I don't have one, my friends call me friend. As that is what I want to be more than anything." Seeing him nod his head at her reply, he said one last thing before turning to stare at the picture of two lovers kissing in the sunset, "well friend tell her I wont give up, there is a way for us to be together without those suitors trying to get in the way. I will find it and I will find her!" He said this so passionately that I almost believed him, but I know what the truth is and the truth is that there isn't a way. After looking for years to get out of this, and finding out that being the protector meant he was automatically out of the race to win my heart, and there was no way he could give up being the protector. If he could then he would have, he told me himself. At this point I was barely keeping my emotions in check, just before I passed out in exhaustion I heard her say "I will help, if you need me just whistle loudly and I will come. If I find anything out that can help you will find a note in here from your friend, I can see you love her and I know she cares deeply for you. Being separated is not the answer." Then I passed out, not knowing that they spent the rest of the night brainstorming ideas a well as thinking of ways to gain the goddess of loves favor. Thinking that she will help them. They didn't think for even a second someone was listening in on their conversation.

Waking up in the early hours was not something I enjoyed, but it was something I had to do. Noticing that my friend still has not returned, I knew she had something up her sleeve. Stretching out I could feel my muscles loosening getting ready for another eventful day of dodging those suitors, that chieftain is going to be the hardest to ditch. Seems like his determination is almost as strong as mine, shaking this thought out of my head I look down and see the pendant which was hidden behind the stone. It was beautiful a heart but it looked like there where flames dancing inside, knowing it was time to shut off my heart again. I took a deep breath and put all my loving thoughts safely in a box in the back of my mind, locking it up tight. Looking down I can see the stone reappearing until the heart was no longer visible. Nodding my head I prepare myself for the climb down this massive tree, once I was on the ground once again. I started wondering through the forest keeping my whit's about me for any sign of being perused.

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