Chapter 4 Consequences

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The next time I woke up conscience came slowly, I had to really work. I tested out my body twitched my fingers and toes, my senses came back to me one by one first my hearing then my sense of smell and finally my sight. When I opened my eyes, I had to blink a few times just to get used to the sun light. When my vision came into focus I saw the same log rooftop as before, before I could get confused about my whereabouts my memories came back to me in a flash. I jumped out of the bed, groaning in pain due to the stiffness of my limbs, well there is only one way to improve that. With that thought I hobbled over to the door and tried to open it, only to find it was locked. Well that's not a good sign knowing I was still to weak to use my magic to smoke out of here, I walked around the room until the soreness started to lessen. At this point I sat back down on the only chair in the room and remembered that I did it, I caste that spell. Only time will tell if it worked but I have a feeling that it did, smiling at this thought I did hear the door to my cell being opened. In walked the chieftain again, he looked at the bed and shouted "guard!" This made me jump, my sudden movement must of alerted him to me being here as he seemed to immediately calm down and dismissed the guard who came barreling into the hallway at his summons. Turning to me he spoke softly "Rachel your awake, how do you feel?" "better" was my curt reply. I have to be curt with him I don't trust him, when I'm back at full strength I'm out of here. "that is good news!" the chieftain said smiling at me. I don't know what it is about that smile but I don't trust it, not one bit. Nodding my head I get up and try to leave, try being the key word. This overgrown horse knew my intentions and didn't move from the doorway, he only moved to grab me. This made me step back and glare at him, I hissed "don't touch me!" again with that stupid gentle smile on his face he calls the guard to bring in the guardian. Knowing I can't move very quickly and how much I hate the feeling of being trapped I pace the length of the room all the while grumbling under my breath, about overgrown horses who need to learn to listen. My grumbling must of amused him as the chieftain started chuckling, before I could snap at him he let through the creepy guy called Jack. The one who I thought could almost read my mind, if that's the case it'll be hard to ditch him. Not impossible but hard. "Rachel I am glad your feeling better, yes I am your guardian or protector whatever you wish you title me with. Now I understand you must be very antsy about getting out of here" damn right I thought. "Before we let you out you need to agree to certain rules" at the word rules Jack flinched. I am definitely starting to think he knows what I'm thinking because at the word rules, my flames suddenly came to life. It was nice to feel them again after so long, taking a deep breath I calmed myself down and continued staring at Jack waiting for him to explain. "They are very simple and not that bad to be honest Rachel, the first is that no aggressive magic is to be used, the second you can't kidnap anyone" at this I couldn't help but to send a smirk in the chieftains way. I interrupted Jack and said "aw but it was so much fun to have the chieftain all tied up and at my mercy" laughing at the end of my sentence. I looked over and saw him glaring at me this only made me laugh more. Once I had gotten control over my laughter Jack continued trying to hide his smirk of approval I think. "The third is that you don't leave the chieftains lands." Now it's a good thing my magic is so weak otherwise this hole house would be in flames! "who's rules are these Jack?" Staring straight into his eyes, he managed to maintain eye contact for a little but until I let my eyes flash. When that happened he looked to the floor and mumbled "the suitors". Nodding my head I looked up at the chieftain and said "here are my rules, I come and go as I please. Don't worry though I wont act aggressively towards anyone who doesn't first act this way towards me, oh and I will try and not to kidnap anyone." Winking at him I gather all the flames I have and smoke out of there.

Thank god that worked, I didn't think it would. Knowing I'm approaching being dangerously tapped out I start jogging through the forest, surrounded by nothing but the sound of nature I can just be me. No suitors to run from, no flames just my feet hitting the ground. The sound of my breathing and the birds are the only sounds I could hear, smiling at the feeling of the wind on my face and running their fingers through my hair. This is peace. Then my peace was shattered when I was grabbed from behind, thinking on my feet I maneuver my body in such a way that whoever grabbed me lost their grip and ended up on the floor. Spinning around I face my would be assailant to say I was shocked would be an understatement, the assailant disappeared and in it's place stood a women. Looking at her I didn't recognize any facial feature, so its safe to say I don't know her. Before I could continue my evading of the suitors she spoke "undo what every you did to him!" Maintaining eye contact I quickly come to the conclusion of who this is, there is only one person who would demand such a thing of me "Hara", his wife. Shaking my head I couldn't help but to chuckle finding this whole situation very amusing. Escaping form man men, finding peace running away and now a confrontation with the last goddess I ever wanted to annoy. "Sorry Hara goddess of the hearth and home I cannot do that." My polite answer must of shocked her as the expression currently on her face is very entertaining, keeping my tone of voice light and head bowed somewhat I continue talking. "The reason I have done what I have done is to ensure that he learns from his mista-", before I could finish my sentence Hara interrupted me. "You will do this or there will be consequences!" Nodding my head all I respond to her is "calm your flame, it is getting out of control." Without warning she is now in front of me, her eyes ablaze she hissed "do this now!" shaking my head I step back ready to leave. She grabs my arm again and says "you want to know the consequence of not doing as I ask?!" Hara reaches into her dress pocket and produces a stone necklace. Looking at it in confusion she smirks and throws it directly at my feet, only it didn't stop there, the necklace latched onto me. Knowing there was no stopping it, I didn't make a move until it had settled and I was now wearing it. "It's not really my style Hara but thanks, can I go now?" rolling my eyes, I again try to leave when she again grabs me. This is starting to annoy me, I tolerate this because of the respect I have towards her, but grabbing is rude. Did no one teach her that! Looking into her eyes so she could see my flame rise, she smirks and says "this necklace will not come off. When the stone surrounding her heart melts so does this stone" pointing at the necklace just to make sure I understand. I am certainly not liking this, I have a very bad feeling I know her consequence now. "when the heart is ablaze the suitors will know your heart is ready for the taking. Only when it glows a fiery red when you look into your chosen's eyes will everyone know who your heart belongs to. Now you have a choice undo what you have done or keep that lovely necklace with no way of escaping your suitors." This last part confused me I could just smoke out of there, with that thought that is exactly what I tried to do. Searching for the flames they leap to the surface ready to do their task, when all of a sudden the flames die out. Its like there is a wall of water there ready to put them out. Oh no, if I can't let them out they will grow uncontrollable no one will be safe. Looking at Hara I see that smirk and know that this is happening and not just a bad dream, "if you do this you will be condemning everyone. The flames only do what I say out of respect this power can't be left to build or it will explode and kill."

"what's you decision Rachel?" knowing I can communicate with the flames and that they may help me I hold firm in my decision. "I will not undo what I did to that prick!" Was the last thing I said before I was tied up by vines to a goddamn tree! Now I was really mad, knowing the goddess of the hunt Athena has joined the party. "come out and say hello Athena, didn't your mother teach you that lurking in the woods is rude?" After saying this she casually walked out and stood beside Hara, whilst the remained quit I was busy testing out the strength of these vines. If I could only get one hand free I can call for help, wiggling my wrists as discretely as I could. Every time I nearly had a hand free another vine would take it's place, huffing in annoyance I am forced to abandon my escape plan... for now. Whilst standing in silence, I get the strangest feeling that they are both waiting for something. I just hope its not what I think it could be, just then I hear the sound of footsteps and hooves. Well damn not again, it didn't take them long to come barging into the little clutter of trees where us ladies where. The chieftain, Jack the guardian and two others, now it's a party I mumbled under my breath. All of the boys saw my situation but calmly conversed with the goddesses, hearing them explain to the suitors about this stupid necklace I shake my head as the boys all exclaimed in happiness. Once the group had calmed themselves Hara and Athena approached me, before they could say anything I started this conversation off. "You have no idea what you have just done, I will escape those idiotic boys," as an afterthought I added ,"I don't need magic to cause you problems!" with that I manage to get a hand lose and get it away from the approaching vine just in time. Before anyone knew what I was doing I whistled, such a high pitch tone. I had to make sure it echoed or she would never come. I only had to wait a moment before I heard her, with a smirk on my face I looked at the suitors and said "no one is taking me today". With that said Athena's concentration wavered just enough for me to escape these vines and blot for the nearest clearing, I'll give the boys some credit they started the chase rather quickly. Shame I play dirty, knowing where I placed all my traps I lead them directly to them and one by one they fell. They fell into six foot deep holes, got whisked away up into the trees by my rope traps and my favorite one by far was the cages. Each suitor sounded their defeat with a yell of surprise, as I was running I was counting. By the time I had gotten to three I was at the clearing and I saw her fly down towards me, talons outstretched ready to grab me. When all of a sudden I hear that bloody chieftain yell "stay back beast!" Putting on a last bout of speed I jump and grab hold of her powerful legs shouting over the winds to go. Go she did as well, with a powerful flap of her wings she sored and we where safe. Sitting down in her curled talons I tried to catch my breath whilst thinking about what I was going to say to explain my sudden and very unexpected emergency call for help. This one knows all of my tricks, sighing in frustration I close my eyes and just enjoy the feeling of freedom, the wind go through my hair. Letting all of the days events roll over me, I had just this moment to relax and I was going to make the most out of it.

All to soon it was time to land, standing myself up I get ready to jump to the ground when we are close enough. As soon as I am safely on the ground or well in the tree house she likes to call home, she transformed back into her human form. "thank you for the assist, your falcon is getting quicker and stronger every time I see you", with a genuine smile on my face I hug my friend.  

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