Chapter 11 A Flash From The Past

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Seeing all three dragons around the camp fire I head over their only to hear the two dragons asking the clan master about his past with me. Knowing this is a difficult topic for him and the promise we made to each other, I make my presence known. That seemed to have shut them up very quickly, looking at the clan master I said "do you want them to know?" which he nodded in affirmation. Sighing I stared at the fire mummering the spell in which I needed, all of a sudden the fire roared with sudden gusto and from the smoke of the fire a clear cercal appeared. Using my minds eye I remember the situation in which I encountered the clan master, the cercal then displayed the scene in which I replayed in my minds eye.

The forest in which the dragons call home, I was there running from the suitors and trying to control this fire I had within me. I come across a clearing where there was a little boy, he was running towards me. With confusion I look behind the boy to see four grown adult males whom I'm assuming are dragons chasing him. Before I could intervene the men catch the boy and hold him face first on the rough ground, I was angry at this point and started running towards them. Before I got to the boy the men started whipping him. Hearing the pain filled wails of the boy I made myself run even faster. I barreled into the man with the whip, snatching it off of the man I stand up. My eyes must of turned red by now as the man in front of me stepped back involuntary, I eyed the men who was holding the boy down as well. Seething at the men I snapped "let the boy go". This must of awoken the men form there shocked state as they started laughing. This really annoyed me and before I knew it I was on fire, literally. The flames roared with anger the whip was ablaze as well, the whip didn't turn to ash in my hands though, which surprised me. However using this to my advantage I use the whip to whip the men who whipped the boy. The whip sailed through the air and hit the men around the face, the men cried in pain and anger. I could see the men tremble before their dragons burst through their human forms. The dragons growled at me, at this point I was standing over the boy protectively. Knowing the boy couldn't move I had to think of a plan to get out of here, I had only smoked once and that was by accident so I couldn't rely on that. Using the whip I made sure the dragons couldn't get to close. Deciding to test out this fire and the limits which it has. I let lose of all my control and fear, and let the fire consume everything in its path. The fire roared again and using my hands I made a circle of fire around the boy and me. When this was done the fire expanded and went after the child abusers, the dragons not knowing what to do. Took off in fear when they realised the fire could and would turn them to ash if it reach them. As soon as I was certain that they had left the area I focused on bringing the fire under control again, forcing the fire to retreat back to within me physically hurt. Once this was done I stepped away from the boy and started to treat his wounds as carefully as I could. When this was done the boy sat up and stared at me before standing up, giving me a hug and running off again.

Sitting their with a smile on my face I get up and run off in a different direction, hopefully away from those damn suitors, running through the forest I come across a lone house. It looked so nice with the thatch roofing and log walls a proper log cabin. Hiding within the trees I could see a man come out of this beautiful house, and without warning he turned and stared directly at me. He seemed puzzled for a moment before he came to a conclusion. What it was I had no idea, before I could turn around and run again he called out to me "don't be afraid come out of there". I didn't like that he thought I was afraid so I came out and approached him, the weird thing was I felt like I was connected to him. The closer I got to him the more at home I felt, when I was close enough I stopped and stared at him. The man before me started to cry whilst staring at me, then all of a sudden a woman came out of the house shouting at the man whilst holding the boy I protected. Seeing the boy holding onto the woman I assumed that she was his mother, the mothers hysterics must of snapped the man out of his creepy staring at me as he turned to check on the mother and boy. They looked like a nice family. Once the family calmed down I explained what happened to the boy and that I did my best to patch him up again once it was safe for me to do so. The man said "I'll deal with those idiots later" taking a deep breath he continued talking to me. "thank you for helping him, I would like to help you out in return. Name the favour you want and I will complete it." staring at him I asked "you have fire and you can control it?" the man simply nodded. "I ask for you to teach me control but never speak of meeting, seeing or of knowing me to anyone. You and your family must agree to these terms before you are able to complete the favour I ask of you." The man looked at the woman and both nodded their heads.

Thecircle at this point exploded in a pile of ash putting out the once ablazefire, the dragons looked at their clan master then at me in shock of what theyhad just seen.         

The clan master replied with a question of his own "you wish us to teach you but you seem to have control of your own and maybe do not need to be taught than rather a secure place to stay hidden and protected" looking at this man made me realize that he may be smart and an asset to me not only to protect me from the suitors but maybe even help me to sever the cord that keeps those pesky gods hold on my life. Really looking at him I decide to risk fate one last time. "I need to hide from dangerous people yes but what you saw of my fire is not controlled, I suffer with immense pain to summon let alone to control; so yes I would also apricate help with control." The clan master looked like he was really listening to me and took a moment to process what I had told him. Once he had taken a moment to all he did was simply nod his head. Holding his hand out to me, taking a deep breath I approached him and shock his offered hand. A deal has been made. "training will start in the morning, come" he indicated that he wanted me to come into his home, thinking like I had taken enough risks today I left to explore his land. An older dragon appeared next to me, he guided me through most of the land for the rest of the day. As the sun set I knew a different challenge awaited me so I had to make sure I could ditch this kind man beside me. I felt a little bad as he as been patient throughout the afternoon and did all the talking. With a deep breath I stopped walking and looked this man in the eye " I appreciate that you have spent the afternoon with me, showing me the land however the protection I asked of was for the day times at night I have commitments that require my attention. So I am truly sorry". He looked confused and when he wasn't paying attention I grabbed a rather big stone and hit him over the head. He went straight down, looking down at my wrists I look at the next color. Golden, yay time to go see Applo, with a grimace I allowed myself to smoke out to where ever Applo wanted to meet. 

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