Chapter 2 The Truth Finally

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Its like I'm not even in my own body anymore, I feel like I'm floating. When i regain my senses I am sitting along a table with 3 men and a women, each one has a name plate in front of them. According to these I have the pleasure to meet goddess of the moon, god of light, god of darkness and the supreme ruler. Great.

This has to be some very weird dream, "your not dreaming dear" the goddess of the moon said, her voice is very soothing almost calming. Shame that it wouldn't work with me, I am not an easy person to trick. When I just continued to stare at her, the supreme ruler coughed to gain my attention I think. He then told me in a very demanding tone " I do not apricate you saying that you hate us when you would not be alive today without us, furthermore we will answer your questions and fill you in about the prophecy. We will start with that" Before he could finish what he was saying I interrupted his 'highness'. "Wait a second, I don't care about any damn prophecy I rule my own life and second of all I don't like nor trust you so why should I listen to you?" The supreme ruler glared at me and clicked his fingers, as if that would stop me from speaking or leaving. I'll show him, when i tried moving I found I couldn't, so I tried speaking but no sound was escaping my lips. What on earth is happening? Realizing that his highness is now smirking at me, I clamp my mouth shut and glare at him. He chose this moment to inform me about the prophecy and how I'm special. That it was their idea to give me multiple 'soulmates' and give me the responsibility to chose which one I want. Oh the funniest part was when the supreme ruler told me he is the reason I have this physical defect. My anger was boiling at this point, I am sure my eyes have turned red again. Once he had finally shut up I was forced to listen to the others explain about shifters, centaurs and demons. Man can these guys talk, whilst they where yabbering on all I was doing was thinking of ways to get even with his highness.

After what felt like hours everyone stopped talking and stared at me, I just sat there and glared at all of them. "you can ask your questions now" stated his highness. With a evil smirk on my face I said deadly calmly to everyone "your prophecy will be unfulfilled, I don't have it in me to love, I wont. I also will not stop being rude especially to you 'supreme ruler', as I do not take kindly to you playing or trying to control my life. It is mine and you nor anyone here can tell me how to live it. Becasue of you I couldn't defend myself when I needed to the most, and for this reason I will challenge your decisions and make your life hell." At this the god of darkness laughed whereas everyone else went deadly still. Goddess of the moon said "sir she doesn't know what she is saying, we knew there would be some animosity from her when we informed her". Supreme ruler just nodded and looked at me in a calculating way, trying to figure out exactly what I would do to make good on my words. After a few moments he said "lets come to a compromise Rachel, you give these men an opportunity to win your trust and love and I will take away your defect. If you are to lie to them at any given time you will be punished, not just by me but by the god or goddess which the creature worships." Resting my hands on the table and leaning forward slightly to show that he has my attention I wait for him to elaborate and tell me the catch. I mean come on the only catch is spending time with them and not to lie. I know there is more, after a few moments when he didn't say anything else I quizzed him "challenging them I can do?" "yes" "anyway I please?" "yes" "time limit", "you have none, they will have to find you and once they do if you don't chase them away they are in the race for your heart". " and me saying go to hell to you would work and help you relise I am not a pawn to be used?" "No Rachel our aim is not to control you but to help you and you will accept it, that is non-negotiable." "You can't give me back my defect ever, after all your the reason I have it in the first place not genetics you!" He simply nodded at this, knowing with the ability to walk and run I can cause enough hell for these people to give up. I am tempted to agree but getting back at his magasity will take some thought. With that in mind I agreed to his terms knowing I will brainstorm ways to cause hell and get even later on when I am truly alone. He then informed me that I will feel a connection to everyone that matches with me, and that I will have guards with me at all times to ensure that at least someone gets past the first challenge of winning over my trust. Before I could react he clicked his fingers and I was out again.

I came awake suddenly shouting "you sneaky git". Looking around the room I am in I noticed its the same room I was placed in before I got zapped to that weird place. Deciding to get up and finally leave this godforsaken place, I get up and walk... wait I can walk. He kept his word the defect which hindered my movement is gone! Smiling I ran around the room, jumped up and down for a whole ten minutes before I managed to calm myself. There was no way I could stop smiling, but I was calm enough to leave the room. The door was even unlocked, my luck must be turning around. With that thought I left the room walked through the living room and out the front door. After stepping a foot outside, all the guys who got angry at me for hurting Mr Creepy suddenly materialized out of thin air. Now that made me jump. "how the hell do you guys do that?!" placing a hand over my heart for emphasis. They just stared at me, when all of a sudden that connection thing flared up. Spinning in the opposite direction I took off shouting "buy guys!". I ran straight to the forest and started climbing trees, I have always wanted to jump trees so I decided if I was to get caught they may as well have nurse me back to health. I gingerly stepped across branches and soon I was running across them and onto the next tree. I could shout in happiness if I wasn't concerned about getting caught. 

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