Chapter 1: love had begin

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It was Claire's first day of school, she was getting ready and had breakfast, after she ate her breakfast, she grabs her bag said goodbye to her parents before heading to school, time skipped. She arrived at her new school, before getting in she took a deep breath and finally gets in, she is inside she saw few students at the hallway talking or doing they're own business, she tries to find the principal office but didn't find one, Claire couldn't find it until she bumped to someone "hey, are you okay?" She asks and Claire responded "yeah, I'm okay just trying to find the principal office" then she responded "ohh you must be the new student! I can help you find the principal office, my name is Bubbles by the way!" Claire responded "nice to meet you Bubbles, my name is Claire!" I somehow made my first friend even though she had a soaps on her but she seemed nice, we both headed to the principal office "thanks Bubbles if it wasn't for you I might get lost!" Bubbles response "yeah, of course I love to help my new friend!" Claire giggles abit and responded "yeah sure" Bubbles had to go "I had to go now, you can get your schedule, meet me after class, see you later Claire!" Claire waves at bubbles with a smiles

after she left Claire knock on the door "come in" Claire opens the door and enter the office shutting the door behind her "you're must be the new student, right?" Claire responded "yes ma'am" the principal asks her "you're name is Claire, right?" Claire noded, the principal handed her the schedule "here is the schedule" Claire responded "thanks ma'am" the principal responded "call me Miss Grace!" Claire responded "okay, Miss Grace" Miss Grace responded "you can go to your class now" Claire thanked to the principal and left the office .

Time skipped where she headed to her class, Bubbles saw her and came up to her hugging her "Heyy, were in the same class!" Claire responded "yeah, we are!" Claire and Bubbles jumped out of excitement but then suddenly there's a voice that was saying "you know her, Bubbles?" Bubbles responded excitedly "Yes, she is the new student her name is Claire!" Claire offered her hand for a handshake the boy shakes her hand and said "Nice to meet you Claire, my name is Engel!" Engel and Claire smiled at each other, suddenly Engel felt something, his heart beats faster when he shakes his hand with Claire, Claire asked him "uhhh, are you okay?" Engel suddenly heard Claire and responded"y-yeah i-i'm fine!" His cheeks was red or blue abit, they heard the door opened, they get to their sits Bubbles was next to Claire while Engel was stingy behind Bubbles.

"Okay morning class, today I want you guys to answer this questions on the paper, you guys had 50 minutes to finish it!" Miss Bloomie passes all of their test paper and start answering it while Miss Bloomie sits on the desk and fell asleep, all of the students we're so nervous to answer the question while Bubbles,Engel and Claire chilled since they already been studying, Engel keeps staring at Claire while answering the question he keeps staring at her wished he could speak to her more, when Claire looks back Engel looked at the paper pretending he was focusing on the test he keeps staring at her for the rest of the class, times skipped after the science all of them handed their test paper.

It was lunch time, Claire and Bubbles headed to the cafeteria, after they got their lunch they sit next to each other and finally they could eat, but suddenly there's a voice that sounded like idk "hey new kid!" Claire and Bubbles look at their direction it was Oliver and his friends Bubbles speak up "Oliver, leave her alone don't ruin her first day!" Oliver seem didn't care and spilled juice box on Claire's hair "Hey! My hair!" The bullies keep laughing Bubbles tried to defend her but didn't worked Bubbles finally had enough and scream at them "CAN YOU GUYS STOP IT?! YOU ALWAYS DID THAT TO THE NEW STUDENTS I'M NOT LETTING YOU DO THAT TO OTHER STUDENTS AGAIN!" All of the students stared at them especially Engel he was confused what was going on and why Bubbles we're shouting at Oliver, Oliver was pissed and responded "yeah,yeah okay whatever Soap person" then he walked along with his friends, Bubbles was still mad at them and warned Claire about it "Claire, whatever you do, don't be friends with that jerk, he and his friends are the Bullies, they Bullied anyone especially the new students!" Claire looked shock and asked Bubbles "uhh, are you okay Bubbles? You need to calm down" Bubbles responded "yeah I'm fine, it's know....they always been like this since me and Engel transfer here" Claire was confused but didn't want to ask they continued to eat their lunch.

Engel's Pov:
Why Bubbles suddenly shouting at Oliver? She usually isn't like this, did he do that again to a new student, ugh that jerk he tried to ruin Claire's first day too, I won't let that happened especially what he did to Claire, I will make him pay for it. Engel stares at Claire and smirks "just wait Oliver, you will about to see you're fate"

[Okay guys that's the end of chapter one if it's shorts I'm sorry cuz I ran out ideas I will try better next time and I'm sorry if my grammar's we're bad it was my first time to my own stories I will make chapter 2 tomorrow or another day if I had ideas hope you enjoy it!]

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