chapter 11: Riley vs Engel

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While with Ruby and Riley they opened the door at the principal office, then they saw a corpse of Miss Grace, they both covered each other's mouth to stay quiet, Ruby looked for it through her cabinets while Riley look at the principals desk and opens every drawer, They both didn't find.

Ruby: did you find anything, Riley?

Riley shakes her head.

Ruby: I guess we should go back to Claire then, I hope they find the key.

Riley: yeah let's just go.

Before Riley headed out, she saw there's a knife at Miss Grace's head, she took the knife out of her head and looks at it, until Ruby calling out to her.

Ruby: Riley, are you coming?

Riley: wait for me! I'm coming!

They both walked until Ruby notice Riley was holding a bloody knife.

Ruby: Riley, where did you get that knife? And why was it bloody?

Riley: well I find it at Miss Grace's head soo I took it, just in case.

Ruby: yeah, glad you did.

Riley smiled but suddenly a knife flew, Riley saw it.

Riley: Ruby, duck!

Riley takes Ruby's head and dodge the knife, Riley looked back to see who it is, it was Engel he had so many blood around him and had bandages at his left eye.

Riley: we better ran!

They both ran, Engel was chasing after them and threw a few knifes at them, Riley holds Ruby's hand while running and dodge the knife but they both tripped to a corpse, Engel was coming up to them holding a knife.

Engel was about to attack them but Riley grabs the knife she took it from Miss Grace's head and hit his knife which he dropped it, Riley stood up and fight with Engel, Engel grabbed a chainsaw and Riley holds her knife to fight against him.

Engel: wait, how did you guys survive?! I thought I killed all of you?!

Riley: you don't need to know!

Ruby stood up.

Riley: Ruby, stay there and take a cover, okay?

Ruby doesn't know what Riley means but she nodded and took a back stepped and watch what was Riley doing.

Riley ran up to Engel and swing her knife but Engel manage to dodge it, Engel uses a chainsaw try to cut Riley's waist but she managed to dodge it, while Riley and Engel was still fighting Ruby keeps thinking.

Ruby: should I help Riley?

Ruby keep stood there, while with Riley she still fighting Engel for her whole life, Riley jumped and points up the knife at the chainsaw, she stabbed the chainsaw which end up not working anymore, Engel was frustrated he threw the chainsaw aways and took out a knife and fights with Riley.

They both we're fighting with the knifes Riley tried to dodge Engel's knife, she was trying to hurt him for abit so that they would have time to run but it isn't working since Engel was holding two knifes which is difficult for Riley to attack him, all she could ever do to just keep dodging the knife, after few minutes of dodging suddenly Engel stabbed Riley's shoulder.

Riley screamed in pain, then Engel pulls the knife out and stabbed her right leg he puts the knife there soo she couldn't move, Riley tried to grab the knife but Engel kicked the knife so Riley cannot grabbed it.

Ruby covers her mouth and had worried in her face she wished she could do something, Engel then grabbed his knife and threw it at Ruby.

Riley: RUBY!!!

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